I tend to reload/prep/size in pretty good-size batches, plus I'm not too proud to scrounge if the pickings are good. So, tumbling once or twice in a cycle is standard practice. I have trays and sifters and a squirrel cage that all nests in one compact bunch, total tumbling time "work" is maybe three minutes per setup. I ESPECIALLY like the "second go" on FL-sized batches, as lube is way cheaper than a stuck case and THAT rigmarole. I've learned that cases left lubed just mung up too fast.

That said, when I'm just NSing fired cases for a bolter, I don't bother with cleaning very often.

I like "pretty," but am more concerned with if the cases feel clean and don't attract more grunge.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.