Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
I've not been in on any moose hunting. I've seen lots of moose when I was younger and hunting in Idaho though. Three huge bulls one day while elk hunting that were no more than 15 yds away from us, and didn't seem to care that we were there at all. Another came within a beanbag toss distance when I was huckleberry picking at age 16. I've often wondered if hunting moose would be like hunting buffalo in Yellowstone Park, where the goal would be to keep the powder burns from screwing up the mount.

Well you can't walk right up to them and pick your Moose. They have amazing hearing and noses that are second to none. When we say they aren't hard to kill it's because a bullet in the right place generally ends their day regardless of headstamp. But it takes them two minutes to accept the fact that they're dead. Good thing is they usually don't go far after the shot. But it's not like shooting a parked car like some guys seem to claim. It takes woodsmanship. A bumbling, careless hunter doesn't see many Moose.