Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by T LEE
All of the above and more but I am still here.

Exactamundo! Hardly any home made pyrotechnics were mentioned...... whistle

Those were the days when you could buy saltpeter and sulphur from the local drug store for some homemade black powder laugh

We had a BIG swing in our back yard and we used to take turns being the "airplane" in the swing and an anti-aircraft gunner on the ground using dirt clods for "ammo". One day my younger brother (there were three of us little hellions) was the "airplane" when hit him in the stomach. At the exact moment he started to say "I don't like this gam...", I cut loose with a dirt clod and it went right down the gullet; no teeth, no lips, nothing but right down the throat!!! Of course I was laughing my butt off but that ended when he finally got all the dirt out of his mouth and started yelling, "I'm gonna tell Momma!" Ru roh," D

Another time we were swinging at a tether ball (remember the ball on a rope that was tied to the top of a pole) with baseball bats when the same unlucky brother happened to walk up behind me when I took a swing. WHACK! The bat caught him on the side of the head on the bone right below the temple. Fortunately, the bat was a carved souvenir bat made of some soft wood and it broke, but once again all the fun ended when he ran home yelling "I'm gonna tell Momma, I'm gonna tell Momma!" Lucky for me, my mother wasn't home at the time and the swelling had subsided somewhat by the time she got home. Whew! laugh

Last edited by navlav8r; 09/19/17.

NRA Life,Endowment,Patron or Benefactor since '72.