Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
A couple years ago it was necessary to move my MIL in with us. She has her own tv that she watches most of the day but unfortunately, the only place we had to put her chair and tv was in the same back bedroom where I have my reloading bench. I absolutely can not reload when The Price is Right is on every day. I don't bother her any but that show drives me nuts. This morning I was loading up some ammo when her 2d favorite show came on - that frizzy haired guy who does the oil painting. He can drive any normal guy crazy with his 'happy little house with the tired shingles under the grouchy old tree'. I'm pretty sure that his audience is 99% female and/or queer.

Anyway, I suffered through it and got some '06 rounds loaded up to shoot this afternoon. Then I have to endure him again. AARGG!

I look at situations like that and imagine all the BS those good old ladies went through to get us AND your Wife raised up, educated and gone from the house, it's easy to run with it if you'll look at the big picture.

It will be the absolute very least I'll do for mine the last 20 years of their lives on this earth.

But hey, what do I know, I'm a no church going, cursing, judgemental, prejudice, narrow minded, scotch drinking cigar smoking asswhole ;]

Trump Won!