Originally Posted by CrackaJack85
It's nice to see someone in here besides filthy masses of brainwashed, uneducated Trump-Tards who can't think for themselves and need to do a stupid "Seig Heil, Seig Heil" at every Trump rally to pretend they're "patriots".

My Dad fought in the steamy 'Nam jungles from '68-'71 and came back and started his own construction business and did well for himself. Never dwelled on "fake patriotism" to help him deal with the horrors of war and PTSD and all that stuff. My Dad was smart enough to know that REAL patriotism comes from supporting your country and it's ideals and all that stands for --- good or bad. He's smart enough to know that the flag represents the Constitution --- NOT the military or police or whatever whimsical symbol the right-wing loudmouths claim it is. NFL players taking a knee for social injustice represent the ideals of the Constitution a HELLUVA lot more than some racist white cop beating up a black motorist just because his KKK chapter tells him it's "the right thing to do" when you got a gun and a badge to make you feel macho that night.

And my Dad sure as hell doesn't appreciate it when a SIX-TIME draft-dodging COWARD P*SSY-GRABBER Trump tries to tell a country how to be patriotic! If Trump ever visited our house, my Dad got 2 knuckle sandwiches waiting for that cowardly silver-spooned Commie crybaby !! Pop goes the weasel, baby!

You must be from Oregon. Only explanation.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
