Good binos, ankle fit waders and clothes that are comfy when damp (good synthetic or wool). Come-along is handy when you start skinning on the ground to position them and then help flip them when ready for the other side. Outfitter should have this stuff though, Id focus on glass and clothing. Should be all set with your current rifles.

Ive only hunted them in AK, but if your on a budget I imagine NF would be much cheaper. Regardless, I'd make it a combo hunt and get a bear tag. Fall Moose usually means berry season, berries mean bears.

One I killed was during a winter hunt, that ACE hardware sled paid for itself 100 times over! The other one was in the early fall, both tasted good and kept me fed for a long time. I dont place moose meat on the same level as blacktail, sheep or goat though.

Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's