Wife has a sister that has been married 5 times, twice to the guy she's married to now. She was married to him five years the first time, divorced him and shortly after moved some dumb hick in. He wouldn't do any chores around the house so she moved him out. She's been married to her "ex" now for about 15 yrs. now, he let her quit her job and now she runs around with her unmarried sister spending money like it's going out of style. Oh well if it works for the guy, she's had her share of health problems currently she's piled on 70+ pounds and is going blind so she's a real prize. The guy always has let women's chit roll off his back, dismissing it as "that's just the way women are". I've been married to her sister for 30 yrs. and totally agree with women turning into their mother's not long after getting married. Best part about this one is that she neither drinks nor smokes and wouldn't ever consider cheating.