I've been inside a lot of VA Hospitals... from my time in the service and also working in the medical field
for 40 plus years... a Point that was made, and I concur....it seems those in Northern States are a lot
better ran than in other parts of the country....

and sadly, the higher content of "afro" Americans, the worse off things seem to be...

I don't think it is that ALL Blacks are incompetent... its just the system hires many of the ones they
do, to meet Affirmative Action Quotas....not based on qualifications..

I've ran across a lot of lazy unmotivated white people also, both in VAs and other civilian Hospitals..
and even working in a Military Hospital.. while in the service...

But still bottom line, the problem exists at the Professional Level, the Managerial Level.

it is there jobs to make the system work....

and they are the ones, that are allowing low standards to dominate the VA system.

A family friend is a Veteran, who tried to get her benefits via the VA for 8 years here in Oregon..
Lord knows how many 250 mile one way trips to Potland...yet constant runaround...

Like the VA was getting paid for how long they could string Veterans out on taking care of the simplest

Her dad ended up with a terminal disease, so she packed up and moved home to Massachusetts
to be there for her parents. She goes down to file with the local VA, to continue her claim...

What she had tried to accomplish in getting her VA Benefits for 8 years in Oregon...
she had in 48 hours, in Massachusetts.. not only without any effort on her part...

the VA in Mass, went out of their way and pointed out she also qualified for benefits she
never knew about....

and took her disability from 50% to 100%....which was what it always should have been.

That is a difference in Management... not whether the employees are black or not...

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez