Form, thank you very much for investing the time in that tutorial. It's a time intensive undertaking. Your style of delivery really resonates with me. I like a straightforward no-nonsense style. If I were a betting man I'd bet that you have military or police training in your background. As I read what you wrote and I looked at the kind of equipment you used, I evaluated my practices and equipment against yours and I am batting about .000. That led me to questions about what I should do from here. So if you will oblige, tell me what you think.

I have a number of Rugers with their integral base and rings. Some on rimfires. None on heavy recoiling rifles. 7mm-08 is the heaviest I have. I don't own a torque wrench. I tighten bases just short of farmer tight and rings pretty damn tight. I can't do anything about the Ruger integral system but I am curious what you think about it as a system. I shoot the rimfires frequently. The 257 Roberts and the 7MM-07 ultralights see about a box a year. Would you disassemble and blue loctite everything? Hell, I already know the answer to that question. So here's the follow-up. How far off of zero would you expect to be after reassembling the right way? I guess we should ask the same question about the following systems as well.

I also have a few rifles mounted in Leupold single dovetail systems? What's your opinion of those?

I have two rifles mounted in Talley lightweights. What are your opinions on those?

I am assuming that you don't like aluminum Weaver style bases, is that correct?

You mentioned that you backpack hunt. Do you use the same heavy bases, rings and scopes on your backpack rifles that you use in your line of work? Are there any lightweight mounting components that you recommend?

I guess my last question is this. How hard is it to disassemble systems using the loctite and nail polish that you use? Any special tools or stuff required?

Man, this place (the fire) has been a wealth of information lately. It seems like folks are investing a lot of time in educating and informing the masses. I appreciate it.