I'm sure you'll peek in again Rusty,

Drive-by post's like yours are quite common, and when the poster doesn't mention he killed his critter on public land or a few other bits of info, it's usually a good indication it was private. Indeed, your cordial response to me still doesn't specify much........
Plus as a lifelong resident and elk hunter, there's always those telltale signs in the photo and post.........

Hunting private land or a limited entry unit isn't a gimme by any stretch, and I'm glad you got a very nice bull.

I don't want your coordinates to the hunting spot or your bank account, I sure won't give any of my elk spots out either, and you definitely don't want my bank account--I can't even afford one of those Under Armour hats........

I'm betting you posted those same pics on a number of other forums too?

Don't worry, your post couldn't possibly offend me, I'm merely bemused.


Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.