Of the 20 something moose I've killed, only three were taken using a rest- one at 100 yards sitting on my backpack, braced knees, one (running) at 150 yards using a walking stick between two forked willows from a sitting, stand position, and the last one (standing) at 30 yards using the snow machine windscreen as a rest. ( Hey, if it's there, use it!) All the rest moose were from standing offhand positions, at ranges to 200 yards, several with a sling-wrap around the arm. But moose are a big target.

All 6 sheep, one goat, about half of a dozen black bear, one elk, one whitetail, and all but maybe 6 close-range animals of @75 caribou have been taken out to 400+ yards, using some sort of rest - windscreen, handlebars, seat, prone, or sitting, knee-braced. Only mule deer ever taken was off-hand at about 15 yards.

So, roughly 80% of the time, I have used a rest. Of those only a few - maybe 7, have been from prone, due to terrain features. Probably 15- 20 % sitting, the rest (75%?) using a machine part, or field- improvised rest using walking stick, rock, tree, etc.

Last edited by las; 12/02/17.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.