What you have there is a now nocturnal buck and a nearly nocturnal one back on opening day. Just look at those pictures time stamp. What you need is a fawn doe of the year coming into her first estrus about now to get him back on his feet during daylight hours. You have enough photographs of him in that area, so you know that he is pretty happy being there or he would have left or been on someone else's meat pole by now. You are not exactly invisible up on that stand of yours and you do make some noise getting in and out of that stand. Your deer didn't get that old by being ignorant and he probably has been counting the days that you have been there too. I had a big buck that made a new rub on a tree at night very close to where I had posted that day several days running, so he knew I was there. I went to a seminar once where a guy from the audience asked how do you hunt a nocturnal buck? The speaker said when you jump him up and he runs, then he isn't nocturnal anymore. The watch out is jumping him up and he gets shot by someone else. Been there and done that too many times. Maybe have a buddy jump him up for you with you on a stand. A friend of mine had a similar stand set up to yours and he put a manikin in a hunting suit in that stand so that the deer got use to seeing a person shape up there. Once a deer gets about 4.5 years old, about the only chink in their armor is the rut because they do not feel comfortable walking around during the daylight.

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