With 22 days under your belt, you sure get high marks for determination. You have an entire rooting section here hoping that you get him, but we sense your frustration. That saying: "If you always do what you've done, you'll always get what you've got" comes to mind. If you have a good idea of where he beds during the day and an estrus doe is not helping you get him moving into where you can hunt him, have you tried putting out estrus scent yourself when you have the right wind direction? It is probably real late in the season to be putting up another stand closer to where he beds, but you might catch him at first or last light that way. Maybe a mock scrape with some buck in rut tarsal gland. That deer needs to think that another boss buck is in the area. Post rut they get real hard to hunt because they don't move much. From the pictures it sure looks like he has plenty of brouse to feed on, so post rut you might catch him in a feeding pattern when winter sets in. It looks like NY is getting snow now, so after a storm front everything on four feet is out there moving and feeding. He can pattern you and probably faster than you can pattern him. I've had a big one make a 180 degree turn and leave when he came to my boot track. Security is job one once they get big like that outside of the rut. Good hunting.

My other auto is a .45

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