The Dem's never seemed concerned about the trillions in debt added during the Obama administration while the economy stagnated.

The Dem's squawk about the "cost" of the tax cuts. It is not a cost. It is our tax money. The government doesn't produce anything. They take money from the working citizens and spend it. The government doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Dollars that aren't passed to the government as taxes are spent on goods and services or are saved or invested.

Higher taxes are a drain on the economy and increased overhead for businesses and passed on to consumers. Lower taxes spur the economy creating more revenue for the government, and more jobs. Win/win.

How the Dem's can wring their hands and claim the sky is falling if the tax cuts get passed is beyond me.


"If you don't know where you're going, you may wind up somewhere else".
Yogi Berra