Originally Posted by jwp475

How many deer have you killed?

Around 560 with maybe 190 with revolvers. Got 5 this season but 2 with a cross bow since shoulder injuries came back. Rest with the .44 SBH. What did you do? I am not rich so can't shoot bigger. I would not kill what I won't eat and give deer away since I only keep 2. They must tag them too. Deer do not get moved without a tag and the properties I hunt, the owners do not need a license. I don't need one either because of age.
I hunted with unlimited tags on farms and orchards with deer damage. Go to an orchard and get a pile of tags but the best was all the apples and free cider we could bring home. At one we were woken up since the workers were gone. Help fill a trailer with apples. Woman driver with the tractor trailer, don't know how she backed into the dock. We got on the fork lifts and loaded the trailer. John, you have no idea the friends we had. All the way from Cleveland to the river. Never needed to ask to hunt, Pull the trailer into the farm and then we were allowed to sleep in the houses. Do you know what it is like to toss a sleeping bag in front of a fireplace at a farm? No, you sure don't. You are full of hate. I love my friends and you would be welcome at my home too. I refuse to hate you. We can get along but it is up to you. Why do you keep pounding on me? I would love to call you but I am afraid and will not call Whitworth for the same reason. It would not be well. People here see what you do and it is not good. Do you have a friend at all?

Last edited by bfrshooter; 12/27/17. Reason: spelling