First, most public land in Colorado is federal land--USFS and BLM. Only a small amount of state land.

Second without any preference points it's impossible to draw most limited licenses although there are cow licenses that are undersubscribed, but usually for good reason--difficult access, the elk aren't there during that time of year, and some private land only licenses if you have permission from the landowner(s), etc.

You can buy an Over The Counter bull license for the units that are not draw only though. This year Colorado is going to all computer applications, but I'm sure there will still be a brochure out for all the regs and the unit map. Call the CPW in early/mid February and request they send you a brochure. That is the best place to start.


Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.