It looks like many of our national "news sources" are racing to be first to announce whatever slime can be found pertaining to any member (or former member) of the Trump campaign, transition team, family, etc., etc.

The unnamed media quotes from earlier in this thread are from some very subjective sources. The opinions expressed by Politico,, the Daily Beast, TPM (, Huffington Post, and many others are simply unbelievable. They list anonymous sources "within the DOJ" or "inside the FBI" as the basis for their arguments, which are strongly opinionated and always unfavorable toward DJT and any non-Progressive who gets in their sights. They treat gossip, innuendo, leaks and speculation as if it were a legitimate starting line . . "Gentlemen, start your engines" . . and drop the very checkered flag, racing toward invalid conclusions and lots of left turns.

Independent people, such as the majority of the Campfire folks, are challenged every day to find reliable news sources. When there are clear facts, let's quote the source and we can debate the issues. When there are no facts, just quote the anonymous leaker or faux reporter and we can trade insults.

Or maybe a few of the lefties on this forum will have second thoughts about posting opinionated crap from unnamed sources.

“You must endeavour to enjoy the pleasure of doing good. That is all that makes life valuable.”
Robert E. Lee, in a letter to his invalid wife.