Denature Alcohol Candle for case annealing. A twist on John Barsness wax candle anneal method. No soot to clean off case.

Can't see the annealed color of the case necks/shoulder in the photo. Similar to that sexy look that new Lapua brass has.

The alcohol flame is very clean leaving no soot. Roll the case in the flame until warmth is noted where you hold the case. Done.

I suppose you could use a wet rag to chill the case. IMO there is not enough heat that migrates to the case head to affect the brass hardness in that region.

Bought patio lamp wicks at Menards, ~0.250" diameter, $1.99 + the governors cut. Glass bottle w/metal cap, punch hole with a nail set punch. Empty unused DNA back into bulk can when done annealing cases.

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