Cisco1: I know the feeling...I keep stocking up on .17 WSM ammo in fear it will vanish one day. Not many rifle mfg's are making this caliber, which makes one think it will be a relic. I also started buying and putting away extra Ruger mags for my 17. I've already had a mag go bad. I figure it's better to keep several mags on hand for the future. If the 17 WSM goes away, Ruger mags will be hard and expensive to replace. You topped yours with a nice scope. I put a Sightron SII 4-16X42 A/O on mine, very happy with the set up. Cisco1, you should consider the "Jard trigger" replacement. If, I remember, it was $145 installed. Very nice compared to what I got from Ruger.

Last thing to pass on to 17 WSM owners. I came across a company on Ebay who sells a "Bore Wire" for the 17 WSM. It's light years better than a bore snake from Hoppes and a lot easier to use in the field than a rod.

Go to Ebay, type in "17 WSM Rifle Bore Cleaning Tool". You'll see it listed in the package as "Bore Wire". The seller charges $4.97 plus $2.60 shipping. For under $8 bucks, this wire is amazing and safe on the delicate 17 riflings...I bought several...Hoarder must be in my DNA.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”