LowerRiver: Good price! I always buy ammo for my 17wsm when I see it at $10 bucks. I did mention I’am a ammo hoarder above. I imagine the Savage Bmag shoots really good. I like everything about the Savage rimfire offerings; Price, accuracy, and always staring back at me at any Bi-Mart store I’m shopping at. I would own a Bmag, if I could just get over the bolt.

Since you own a Bmag, is the bolt really that different, than say the Savage 17hmr bolt guns? I like having 2 of almost every rimfire varmint rifle I take into the field in case one goes down. I just don’t want to dropped another $700 for Ruger 77/17. I could swing for a Bmag though.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”