Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
I'll be happy to clarify: read the Second Amendment. It's cut and dry. Now read the Tenth. Now, understand that no element of government can regulate a right in any way, or it ceases to be a right and becomes a government-granted privilege, like driving on a public road, for example. In order for a state government to overstep the boundaries placed upon government in the Constitution, it must secede.

Now, if you read the link, or simply google 3 felonies a day, you'll see that the average gun owner ALREADY IS a felon. You are subject to over 1 million laws. Do you have any idea what most of them are? So yes, I am stating that felons have their gun rights intact, simply by saying that the right exists, even for current felons. If you want to argue that CONVICTED felons are the ones who have lost their rights, you've argued first that man can take away what God gives, and second, that your personal prohibition to gun rights is a prosecutor away. Good luck with that. The Constitution restricts THE GOVERNMENT. The rights belong to THE PEOPLE. You've all let the law be turned on its head, and now you are actually advocating for your own unlawful disarming. Imbeciles.

First off God didn't give man the right to do anything, man gives those rights to himself. Second, we have already seen that laws are only effective if the governed choose to accept said laws. We all know that the passage of virtually any law will have little or no effect on the behavior of people intent on committing a crime. If we accept this, and we who are practical know it to be so, we can also recognise that the passage of any such law is window dressing only. Nobody is advocating for their own unlawful disarming, they are advocating for window dressing which may prevent them from having to demonstrate whether or not a law is acceptable. You are advocating refusing to accept that we are in trouble and that beating our chests will do the trick. That's a little imbecilic too. GD