Originally Posted by z1r
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
Originally Posted by z1r
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
The poor quality of the stock checkering makes me wonder about the QC of the entire package.

I was looking at the mannlicher stocked M85, but the dog barf grade checkering is a hurdle that I can't seem to overcome no matter how low the price is.

Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.

What good are opinions if you don't express them?

If you haven't seen the "checkering" on the current Zastava rifle stocks in person, you can't really appreciate how bad it really is.

I've seen the checkering and it can be bad however, factory checking on most $5-700 rifles isn't much to write home about.

Regardless, bad checking shouldn't be considered indicative of the quality of the metal work.

I really like the CZ rifles, but most, especially the 550 series have stocks that are way too thick. I but the rifles and rework the stocks to my liking and have them checkered by people that know how.

Every previous importer has managed to import rifles with decent checkering, while the rifles that are currently being imported have terrible checkering. Since the manufacturer appears to be cutting corners on the checkering, I have to wonder what other corners are being cut. While the metal work might be fine, any time a manufacturer is cutting cost on cosmetic attributes that are as obvious as a rat turd in a bowl of sugar, I think that there is a high degree of probability that they are also cutting costs in areas that aren't as obvious.