No experience with the Oru but it looks good. I have used the Klepper and Folboat and like them on flat water and ocean but not for white water as it is too easy to break a frame. The Oru looks like an improved version of it's predecessors. The Kayak that gets the most use of the three I own currently is the Poke Boat. The single weighs 28 lbs. and can stand up to Class III rapids with a good paddler. The double I have only test paddled but it looks like you could carry a moose in it or at least a Caribou. Either could be carried on the floats but not sure what you would do with wheels on. On something like a Helio a belly mounting system might work.

As others said paddling the inflatables is a short distance proposition. But for downstream running many row well.

I think I would make a list of priorities like: portaging, paddling, portability, assembly, hauling etc. and see which gets the best marks.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli