Yes, Brazil got 10 times as many slaves as America.
And, they ended the institution in 1873 without a Civil War. Just figured it was unworkable and went on their way.
So, slavery was going to end in a few decades in America even without a Civil War.

My ancestors in Ireland and England, the Celts, were captured by Romans and taken back to Rome as slaves, many thousands of them.

The first black slaves were brought to America around 1650 to work rice paddies around Charleston. Didn't live long, malaria and yellow fever.
The slaves on cotton plantations in 1830 usually had it pretty good, for slaves. But if they were a problem, they were "sold down the river" to work the sugar cane fields near New Orleans. Life expectancy there was 3 years.

I love these genius entrepeneurs in 1800, "Why pay Irish or Scottish laborers to pick cotton, when we can bring African slaves over, they will work for free. What could possibly go wrong?"
What a disaster for our country African slavery has been, the result has been a ball and chain around the ankle of the American giant, a ball and chain that we will never free ourselves from.

Hell, at the start of the war Lincoln declared that free slaves could never live alongside whites and he shipped thousands of 'em back to Africa, to Liberia. Good start Abe I wish you had finished your work.