Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

I've had access to guns and ammunition since I was about 10 years old. The notion that a kid can't handle a firearm responsibly is liberal brainwashing bullschit.

Agreed. My kids have known how to safely handle and shoot firearms since not long after they were out of diapers. They could reload ammunition, field strip an AR15 etc. There have regularly been loaded firearms in the house that they could access. I'm near positive they never touched a gun w/o asking and conversely any time they wanted to handle a gun or go shooting they were obliged. They are far from perfect kids, but I never had any reasonable concern about them using a firearm to harm themselves or others.

The most dangerous thing a kid does is drive a car. Yet society has a completely cavalier attitude about putting a teen behind the wheel of two to three tons of metal and propelling themselves through cities and across highways.