We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

Cultural Marxism.
The breakdown of the family, you know, furthering the liberal agenda.

In the end, there is no rational explanation for the irrational, all you can do is be ready for it when it comes.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

I used to carry guns to school and I didn't shoot anyone. The school's cross country track was good rabbit habitat, but the only runners I shot were rabbits.

Social media. Used to be, there was peer pressure to behave. Because of the depersonalization of social media, the "bad guy" personna, is agrandized, instead of censured. Same thing happens with gang mentality. The "peers", approve of bad or dangerous behavior. Social media has expanded that possibility to anybody with a cell phone.
Because they are allowed to...

A society protects what it values-

We value our money , so we have security in banks.

We value our airlines, so we hve security at airports.

But we only give lip service to the safety of our kids in public schools. We make "gun free" zones out of them and provide little to no real security there.

It not only leaves kids open to shootings but theft ,assault and gang related activity as well.

But to Liberals ,the "answer" is to disarm our entire society and make the rest of us that helpless.
Don't know, the whole thing eludes me. Would guess the coarsening of society and loss of respect for others. We had our share of fist fights as kids to settle disputes but real injuries were rare and unintended. Violate what was considered to be fair rules and you lost. Weapons were unthinkable and would not be tolerated by the group. After the fight the matter was considered settled and we moved on.

It's not bullying as the media touts, not a new phenomena, we managed to deal with that too.
They can’t get any pussy. They take their frustrations out on other people.
We used to be a mostly Christian law and order society where families consisted of a mother and father that raised their children to have a basic moral compass.

Now we are a morally relative society where if it feels good do it, if a thought comes into your head act on it, and we are reaping the results of that change. Movies, music and video games are hyper violent and sexualized. Kids grow up in houses where the parents are too busy or not concerned with what their children are doing.

Why is anyone surprised by this change?
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

The answer is quite simple. Go back to about the late 1940's when the Supreme Court decided, contrary to the Constitution, there is a separation of church and state. (Why are the Ten Commandments carved into the wall of the Supreme Court?) Bring that forward to the early 1960's when God and the Bible were kicked out of school, the generation of a Godless culture began. It took several years for the following generations to get completely off the civilized rails. In the Bible Seminaries the students are taught the Bible does not mean what It says. Therefore even the religious people have no foundation on which to build their lives.

Sorry but it's not an easy answer, it's not single parent homes, it's not religion out of school, it's not social media, it's not the "everyone's a winner" society.

It's all of it.

Yes bullying has been around forever, but when combined with social media, it's both impossible to escape AND more visible to all in the school to help pile on. Compound that with the lack of being held responsible or allowing to fail because it might hurt your self-esteem and a general lack of discipline due to many factors including "abuse" claims.

Repeat that, escalating for a generation or two, and you get a growing number of individuals who don't see anything wrong with what they are doing, combined with a lack of hope becuase over time bullying wears them down and they've never learned how to deal with a problem, and.....

You get some sub-set of that that goes down a path that end in shootings.
Posted By: Gus Re: WHY do school shooting happen? - 05/18/18
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

The answer is quite simple. Go back to about the late 1940's when the Supreme Court decided, contrary to the Constitution, there is a separation of church and state. (Why are the Ten Commandments carved into the wall of the Supreme Court?) Bring that forward to the early 1960's when God and the Bible were kicked out of school, the generation of a Godless culture began. It took several years for the following generations to get completely off the civilized rails. In the Bible Seminaries the students are taught the Bible does not mean what It says. Therefore even the religious people have no foundation on which to build their lives.

in your discussion, you are giving us three possible outcomes as i read your synopsis. 1. we can go back to christianity and all that it proposes, demands, and expects 2. we can allow some other religion to take it's place (muslim faith for example, or others) 3. we can continue the progression into secular humanism and hope that future generations grow out of the imbecility we see around us now.

beyond all that rhetoric, we've got a generation of young males mostly caucasion (and others) that don't mind projecting violence on other humans for whatever reason. some are just mad as hell and ain't gonna take it any more. others probably are frustrated by whatever motivates them, and with access to violence producing weapons, use them on innocent by-standers.
That Katy superintendent started all this when he shoved his fellow students head in the urinal.
Have you been in a high school lately?

Kinda hard to not want to shoot everyone.
Because most kids today aren't raised to have discipline, or respect people anymore. And when every one of their needs is not instantly met or their feeling get hurt, it's literally a capital offense for them.
maybe it is a fad. it is the in thing to do, and always in the news. "I am sure I can do a better job and get away with it" attitude.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

Multiple generations which have not been held accountable for their actions.
I’m in two most every day. The students are not like the kids in the one I went to. They all look the same. They are all looking at phones or listening to music. They don’t seem to talk to each other much.

I went to a volleyball game in Brenham Texas. That’s a rural town. The kids looked like the high school kids I went to school with. Have any school shootings happened in a rural area?
I think that it all goes back to the time folks lost respect for themselves and others.

Nowadays it seems that kids being on meds and in the main stream schools,trying to be made to seem normal,instead of someone in need of special treatment.

It makes those that do it famous in their weird minds.
I agree with most of the above. And I'll mention that "first person shooter" video games are merely training films for this kind of thing.
It's funny that people think there is just one answer. Multiple people will have multiple reasons.
Breakdown of the family, and all that goes with it.

It's an easy answer to identify.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
It's funny that people think there is just one answer. Multiple people will have multiple reasons.

yes, first there needs to be a congregation of people, like a school or mall for instance. then there needs to be a shooter, and a weapon to use. then the shooter needs a proper motivation (in his own mind). and everyone of them are probably led into the violence based upon their own thinking, not somebody else's reason for being upset.

and of course first responders and tv camers are mandatory in the follow-up. then the anti-gun conversations begin. it's a pattern from beginning to end, for sure.
Debbie Whatzername Schultz said it was the NRA's fault.
News was saying the 17 year old kid was an honor student in junior high and a stand out player on the freshman football team, then talks about a Nazi sympathizer on twitter...

Kid was messed up.

Most of these are boys. This is the result of the attempted pussifacation of males. They dont know what to do with all the built up aggression that they arent allowed to relieve in the normal ways. Rough games, fights exhaustive physical exertion. No more pack mentality, used to be the group would spot the wierdos and keep them in line. Now thats called bullying. Used to be ok for boys to do rough semi dangerous stuff hence the phrase "boys will be boys". Now its all participation trophys and safe spaces.
Start with the Moral decay of society along with the way kids are raised these days.

When I was in school we got our A$# busted if we misbehaved and usually if the parents found out we got a switching or belting when we got home.
We respected our elders and authority.
We carried a pocket knife to school if you didn't, you were not a normal Red Blooded American Male. No one ever went wild and cut up anyone while at school, good ole fist fights.
We had our hunting rifles and shotguns in the car or truck in the parking lot, we never went wild and used those guns to shoot up the school.
We didn't have computers or big time computer games at school nor at home. Cell phones was not even around then either.
We chewed tobacco and there was even a smoking area designated outside for the smokers, never no issues there.
Most teachers were old enough to be our momma or grandma, a few hot young ones, but the young ones never tried to sexually assault us. Most of those teachers were non liberals also, down to earth had some country sense about them.
Then some are just bat schit crazy.
Sad to say it's a "perfect storm" of a lot of things. And yes, guns themselves play a part, but they certainly aren't the reason. Kids are numb regarding death, self centered, medicated, bullied, video games, YouTube, Hollywood, depression..and it goes on and on....its an endless list of buttons and it's a combination of the ones pushed that results in the final horrible outcome.
I think that the zero tolerance rules also have something to do with it. In the "old' days we could sort that bullying out on the play ground, punch to the nose , etc. Today the nose puncher is the "bad" guy/gal and the bully can just sit there smiling. Teachers and administrators are powerless to stop it. There is no discipline in schools. Add to this many of the above mentioned reasons, social media, entitlement mentality, snowflake mentality, parents that are unwilling to cede any power to schools, and/or just plumb crazy, etc. and we have a recipe for tragedy.
Originally Posted by hanco
They can’t get any pussy. They take their frustrations out on other people.

Ok, that one is way out there
Ritalin and related drug poisoning/damage of the developing brain.

That, and what Travis said.
Tom Cruise might be nuts, but he's absolutely right on this issue.

Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

We might have to look at how the wild popularity of first person shooter video games (marketed to children) may have been desensitizing kids to carrying out violent fantasies. Like you say, we've had widespread gun ownership forever (to include kids being permitted access to firearms for hunting and such), but these types of games are only about 25 years old. There seems to be a correlation between the advance in the realism and popularity of them, and the frequency of these types of shootings. Another factor which seems correlated is the increase in the dosing of children with psychotropics. That might constitute some kind of a "perfect storm" combination of factors.
There’s no way meds are not connected in some way.

Internet ain’t healthy. I love it, but it has to cause major problems in kids.

Most of these kids don’t have dad’s. You can tie most of this nation’s problems on the feminist movement.

Good luck solving any on these three issues at a significant level.
A lot of it has to do with kids being so connected now days. With all the gadgets and with social media, they get too much influence from sources that are really the best sources. For those of you like my age, I grew up with 3 channels on TV, no computers or cell phones, and obviously no Internet. The people who influenced me were family, select friends, coaches, teachers, church etc. Today they get online and their developing minds are influenced by a massively left leaning media and entertainment industry. And in social media, all rules of self control or social decorum immediately go out the window. They're force fed the wrong messages from the wrong people and they live in a virtual world with no standards of behavior.
When you take God out of the schools and replace him with Marxism, Communism, Socialism, and Liberalism - this is what happens.
Originally Posted by BIGR
Start with the Moral decay of society along with the way kids are raised these days.

When I was in school we got our A$# busted if we misbehaved and usually if the parents found out we got a switching or belting when we got home.
We respected our elders and authority.
We carried a pocket knife to school if you didn't, you were not a normal Red Blooded American Male. No one ever went wild and cut up anyone while at school, good ole fist fights.
We had our hunting rifles and shotguns in the car or truck in the parking lot, we never went wild and used those guns to shoot up the school.
We didn't have computers or big time computer games at school nor at home. Cell phones was not even around then either.
We chewed tobacco and there was even a smoking area designated outside for the smokers, never no issues there.
Most teachers were old enough to be our momma or grandma, a few hot young ones, but the young ones never tried to sexually assault us. Most of those teachers were non liberals also, down to earth had some country sense about them.

This is the way it was. So what has changed over the past 30 years?
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

This can all be easily understood by reading the Snapping of the American Mind by Davide Kupelian. Also, How Evil Works and the Marketing of Evil also sheds a lot of light why we are where we are as a country.

But the most succinct reply to your question is lieberals.
The direction society has gone for the last half a century or so plays heavily into this behavior.
Things and ideas that have been discard, and other that have been accepted as normal, or embraced, it is a very long list indeed.
Back in the "old days" (pre internet), if something like this happened (say Whitman shooting at UT Austin in 1966) it would eventually fade away. It was hard to access information about it other than to go to a library to look at old newspapers. Now, with the internet and all it brings (search, You tube, etc.) someone with a fascination with mass killings can access an unlimited amount of material. They can research, plan and compare and focus all of your time on your fantasy.
What has changed is the breakdown of the traditional family, lack of respect for authority and i'm afraid it isn't trending in a good direction! God help us!
Originally Posted by Peddler
A lot of it has to do with kids being so connected now days. With all the gadgets and with social media, they get too much influence from sources that are really the best sources. For those of you like my age, I grew up with 3 channels on TV, no computers or cell phones, and obviously no Internet. The people who influenced me were family, select friends, coaches, teachers, church etc. Today they get online and their developing minds are influenced by a massively left leaning media and entertainment industry. And in social media, all rules of self control or social decorum immediately go out the window. They're force fed the wrong messages from the wrong people and they live in a virtual world with no standards of behavior.

Well said.

Originally Posted by deflave
There’s no way meds are not connected in some way.

Internet ain’t healthy. I love it, but it has to cause major problems in kids.

Most of these kids don’t have dad’s. You can tie most of this nation’s problems on the feminist movement.

Good luck solving any on these three issues at a significant level.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell...

Multiple reasons and not just one thing.

Worst part is you know there are probably hundreds of screwed up people right now, who are stockpiling and planning on how to do the next one in a bigger and more effective way.

Once the school scene gets to risky, they'll move to the next easy target.
Originally Posted by Lonny

Once the school scene gets to risky, they'll move to the next easy target.

The next gun free zone.
Posted By: Gus Re: WHY do school shooting happen? - 05/18/18
if people would just go out there and get jobs and work, and pay taxes and train their children to do the same, all of this mess wouldn't be happening.

what we've got is corporate america wanting workers, and the kids at home are looking around and wondering what is going on?

i'm not blaming anybody, not the kids, their parents, the schools, the technology companies, nobody is to blame.

what we've got is humans on the earth loose, and running around with the latest technology.

what can be done? well, that's the question for sure. global mega-cities are growing.
One thing we can probably all agree on though is that the liberals will continue to blame the gun instead of holding themselves accountable for their massively influential part if this social paradigm shift.
Posted By: Gus Re: WHY do school shooting happen? - 05/18/18
yes! they will continue to search for the attributes of the problem that encourages or supports the individual lone-wolfs acting out due to discontent or whatever.

they will chip away at the edges of the problem and challenge without ever daring to dig deep into the true cause of the issue.

actually, if they did dig down deep into the heart of the matter, they wouldn't have clue as what to do next.

some radicals might say "cheap oil" is what is causing the overall breakdown, but would that be true?
Originally Posted by Prwlr
I think that the zero tolerance rules also have something to do with it. In the "old' days we could sort that bullying out on the play ground, punch to the nose , etc. Today the nose puncher is the "bad" guy/gal and the bully can just sit there smiling. Teachers and administrators are powerless to stop it. There is no discipline in schools. Add to this many of the above mentioned reasons, social media, entitlement mentality, snowflake mentality, parents that are unwilling to cede any power to schools, and/or just plumb crazy, etc. and we have a recipe for tragedy.


Also, at an early age kids can detect the freaks and could usually beat it out of them. Now the freaks are held in high esteem.
I believe it is because males (especially white males) have been marginalized for decades now and told everything they do is bad. Then they are told to get in touch with their feelings so they do. After being harassed or bullied long enough all those feelings they are supposed to get in touch with come out. Their thoughts of harming/killing someone for a slight instead of being repressed like men used to do are now on full display for everyone to see.
Harassment and bullying is not new. The modern reactions to it are new. Whatever is shaping these reactions is the problem.
I posted this on another thread:

It ain't about banning guns. It ain't about arming teachers. It starts with these kids. There is so much god damn drama in high school it would make your head spin off your shoulders. EVERYTHING is an issue. Every kid wants attention, be it FB, Instagram, or what ever. My son who is a sophomore say they're called "emo's", short for emotional. LBGTQ+? whatever, bullying, outright freaks all want attention. Couple that with a helicopter mom, cell phones, and social media, add in some psychosis, meds, and the 24 hour news cycle and you've got trouble. All the sudden FB isn't enough and they want national notoriety. Think about it, you know the names of Lamza, Cruz, Kliebold, etc. because CNN has hammered it to death ad nauseaum. Now this greek dickhead will be among them...exactly what he wanted.
Originally Posted by Youper
Harassment and bullying is not new. The modern reactions to it are new. Whatever is shaping these reactions is the problem.

I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I would argue that harassment and bullying used to be MUCH worse. Liberals have attempted to all but outlaw hurting someone's feeling today. You can't say ANYTHING today without pissing someone off within earshot.
Originally Posted by Peddler
Originally Posted by Youper
Harassment and bullying is not new. The modern reactions to it are new. Whatever is shaping these reactions is the problem.

I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I would argue that harassment and bullying used to be MUCH worse. Liberals have attempted to all but outlaw hurting someone's feeling today. You can't say ANYTHING today without pissing someone off within earshot.

In short, outrage is the new rage.
I will add

24 hour news cycles. We watched local news and then network news, hour total per day.
Back then, a big story got 10 minutes. Now, a big dang chunk of 2 days.

The exposure attracts these deranged idiots.

Also, all these things posted above, combine to produce mentally unstable people.
In the past, you had people raised without religion, decent values, no daddy, exposure to violence...
but few could check many of those boxes. Today it's common.

It's unbelievable how many kids are being raised by grandparents, the same people who f'd up their parents.
Most I see, aren't doing much better with the second chance.
Originally Posted by Peddler
A lot of it has to do with kids being so connected now days.

But only in an electronic sort of way. You see kids sitting together texting one another. The problem is there is no human "touch", no face to face to see how the words they are "saying" are impacting each other. Much of human interaction relies on non verbal clues. There is a major disconnection on an emotional level.
Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
I will add

24 hour news cycles. We watched local news and then network news, hour total per day.
Back then, a big story got 10 minutes. Now, a big dang chunk of 2 days.

The exposure attracts these deranged idiots.

The media has no conscience, they will do or say anything to make a buck. Guarantees that every "crazy" will have hours and hours of fame.
If it we're not a trend, I would just say that crazy people do crazy things. But since IT is a trend, the answer is obvious... attention.
Originally Posted by ltppowell
If it we're not a trend, I would just say that crazy people do crazy things. But since IT is a trend, the answer is obvious... attention.

Thats pretty scary.
When men quit wearing hats and started worrying about their hairdo, then wearing ball caps with the bill turned in back,they forfeited their role in society. They were Leaders no more. Leaders don’t wear short britches.

Leadership today is from Politicians and ......... how is that working for you?

There needs to be an army of pissed off Fathers descending like a swarm of wasps on local school boards and demand that students enter the building at only two locations and that at least some of the teachers be trained and armed.

Apply the solution and then let the eggheads debate the problem all they want to.
There is an increasing lack of moral self-restraint, and this is really important. Our Constitution depends on people being able to restrain themselves from bad behavior, otherwise you need a police state. Look at Russia after the USSR collapsed, after it in turn had pretty much made the state the official religion with the KGB as "god eyes." Sleaze, murder, oligarchy, rampant crime and corruption at all levels.

So, we need morals. How? Peer pressure? Not through social media, as noted here already. Religion? Good luck there, the athests won't go for that.

Kind of glad I'm clocking up the years now, with fewer to go than I've used.
Originally Posted by Prwlr
But only in an electronic sort of way. You see kids sitting together texting one another. The problem is there is no human "touch", no face to face to see how the words they are "saying" are impacting each other. Much of human interaction relies on non verbal clues. There is a major disconnection on an emotional level.

This is a big point, and also with people in their 20's and 30's. There is no substitute for face time, especially not facebook.
Just as an aside, after the printing press made novels easily available, folks complained about how the minds of the youth were being destroyed by sitting around reading Don Quixote, King Arthur's Knights of The Round Table, and such. It was thought to be rotting their minds.
Or it would have been if any of them knew how to read.
Originally Posted by deflave
Have you been in a high school lately?

Kinda hard to not want to shoot everyone.

You may have hit on another factor in "why"

The liberal educators in all of academia is maddening to me, so going to school where the doctrine is such could very well be a contributing factor.
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by ltppowell
If it we're not a trend, I would just say that crazy people do crazy things. But since IT is a trend, the answer is obvious... attention.

Thats pretty scary.

Yeah Jim, it is.

If you are 18, self conscious as hell, don't fit in, get bullied, ignored (at school, at home) and your main contact with humans is electronic,
you might just want to be noticed.

Look at all these kids that are cutters, they just want to "feel" something.
After reading the entire thread, every post here has added a probable factor. Here is another; since I have been on the planet the population of the U.S. has more than doubled. Too many people in tight urban gridlocked stressful areas with no connection to the outdoors and nature.

Our society is really sick, maybe terminal. As the tech soaked minds of today's youth replace the liberal sickos that are in place now, we will not recognize the America we grew up in. 25% of today's youth never goes outside. Hard to imagine.

Total chaos cannot be too far behind. I hope I will be gone as it saddens me terribly.
A lot of these replies are pure BS.Lay it where it belongs.POOR PARENTING
Originally Posted by saddlesore
A lot of these replies are pure BS.Lay it where it belongs.POOR PARENTING

Something is different. Let's assume you are correct. What is causing poor parenting?
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
We used to be a mostly Christian law and order society where families consisted of a mother and father that raised their children to have a basic moral compass.

Now we are a morally relative society where if it feels good do it, if a thought comes into your head act on it, and we are reaping the results of that change. Movies, music and video games are hyper violent and sexualized. Kids grow up in houses where the parents are too busy or not concerned with what their children are doing.

Why is anyone surprised by this change?

I'm with this guy.
What's a few hundred dead students compared to liberals and commies regaining control of the government?
Lives have to be sacrificed for the greater good.
There's a POTUS who was never supposed to be elected, and must be removed by any means necessary.
Fear of gun violence is good for democrats. Expect more of this leading up to the elections.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.


You are presuming school shooting are happening at a rate significantly different than the historical norm.

They are not. They are more publicized now, but they are not new.

As a wrote in another thread sometime back, the average number of students K-12 lost in mass school shootings beginning with Columbine, averages out to 9 per year.

The largest U.S school killing with 44 dead actually happened in 1927, and involved a Winchester model 54.
This problem started before Trump was on the political horizon, and before social media existed.
Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by ltppowell
If it we're not a trend, I would just say that crazy people do crazy things. But since IT is a trend, the answer is obvious... attention.

Thats pretty scary.

Yeah Jim, it is.

If you are 18, self conscious as hell, don't fit in, get bullied, ignored (at school, at home) and your main contact with humans is electronic,
you might just want to be noticed.

Look at all these kids that are cutters, they just want to "feel" something.

That guy that killed his friend and mom from Tn. Maybe Month or 2 ago. Ended up as the crow flies 10 miles from where i live. He put stuff on Fb because he could get attention.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

Because parents don’t spend quality time with their children.
Infamy - 15 seconds of fame.
That's all they want.

Sorry F K R's should start with themselves!
I remember in the early 80's there seemed to be a rash of suicides among teenagers and it received a lot of press, and the rash became wider spread. People were talking about some of these kids making good grades etc., but were feeling performance anxiety to be more successful than their parents, or receiving rejection from opposite sex or being bullied by jocks. That combined with what most of the other posts have mentioned created a possibly more intense world for their problems becoming more widely known through technology increasing their embarrassment and anger.

This began morphing into taking out some of their tormentors before committing suicide, and the popularity keeps growing and the press keeps blabbing all of the interesting details about the perps names, that suicidals are now finding it a pleasurable idea, to take a few of the envied people with them.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

My guess would be social media fuels it, Drug use causes it. Prescription and non.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

To me it seems a failure of public education. I have not been in grade school for decades, but what I remember was I hated it. It felt like I was a prisoner. I did not have a choice in anything. I was told what to learn, when to exercise, when to eat, and how to think according to the curriculum. I was forced to hang around people I did not like. It was a helpless feeling. I remember feeling stressed out all the time.

I wish someone had told me, "Life will be better after you are finished school".

I do remember a time on the bus in middle school which would have been in the 80's. One of my friends told me about some of the high school kids picking on him. He was scared and afraid of what they might do to him. He unzipped his book bag and showed me a loaded revolver. When I saw it I knew it was real and this was a bad situation. I told him that wasn't the answer. I told him to talk to one of the teachers, the bus driver, a parent, but don't pull a gun on these jerks. Luckily, he did not shoot anyone, but I don't know what changed his mind. He never shared what he did, or who he talked to. I am glad no one got hurt or worse. I think one of the main problems, is most kids don't know where to turn when things get out of hand. The peer pressure was strong to not snitch on someone and many of the adults in the system were not approachable or trusted. I am not saying all the teachers were bad. There were a couple who said and did the things for me at a time when it truly meant the world. I think the institution didn't reach each kid and unfortunately some kids needed it more than others. Plus parents have a hand in this too. Not everyone had Ward and June Cleaver for parents. I guess my whole point of posting this was to say, I think this has been coming for decades, although it appears to be a recent thing.
Originally Posted by StrayDog
I remember in the early 80's there seemed to be a rash of suicides among teenagers and it received a lot of press, and the rash became wider spread. People were talking about some of these kids making good grades etc., but were feeling performance anxiety to be more successful than their parents, or receiving rejection from opposite sex or being bullied by jocks. That combined with what most of the other posts have mentioned created a possibly more intense world for their problems becoming more widely known through technology increasing their embarrassment and anger.

This began morphing into taking out some of their tormentors before committing suicide, and the popularity keeps growing and the press keeps blabbing all of the interesting details about the perps names, that suicidals are now finding it a pleasurable idea, to take a few of the envied people with them.


Most of these school shooters are mad at the world. Most don't have a girl friend. Most suffer some form of social alienation.
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.


You are presuming school shooting are happening at a rate significantly different than the historical norm.

They are not. They are more publicized now, but they are not new.

As a wrote in another thread sometime back, the average number of students K-12 lost in mass school shootings beginning with Columbine, averages out to 9 per year.

The largest U.S school killing with 44 dead actually happened in 1927, and involved a Winchester model 54.
Interesting. Thanks.
Handheld devices are programming these kids heads.....even the developers know that.
Again, these shootings started before handheld devises were ubiquitous.
Originally Posted by 16bore
Handheld devices are programming these kids heads.....even the developers know that.

Originally Posted by Youper
Again, these shootings started before handheld devises were ubiquitous.


All those darn I-phones in the 1600's pushing up their murder rate:

[Linked Image]
Interesting fact...or not.

My son's high school has roughly 2000 students grades 9-12. There have been 7 suicides in the past 3 years.

I went to the same high school graduating 36 years ago. We had 1500 or so students grades 10-12 and 0 suicides during my 3 years there.
Originally Posted by CharlieFoxtrot
Interesting fact...or not.

My son's high school has roughly 2000 students grades 9-12. There have been 7 suicides in the past 3 years.

I went to the same high school graduating 36 years ago. We had 1500 or so students grades 10-12 and 0 suicides during my 3 years there.

Currently, suicide's a much bigger problem than school shooters. In reality, they are just two sides of the same coin, where one decide to take as many other with him as possible. The other huge related problem are the suicides by opiates. Of those who commit suicide, it's estimated 90% has other underlying mental health issues, primary depression.

Once again, this all tracks back to mental health.
My wife and I have talked about this on and off for the past few years.

I went back to school a few years ago (at nearly 50) and got to experience college students first hand. Virtually everyone has their head down staring at their latest and greatest smart phone as they walk between classes. I personally witnessed a kid crash his bicycle because he was texting while he was riding (that was hilarious BTW). While texting and updating their social media pages they walked by hundreds of people every day and never even noticed them.

It seems that virtually all of these teenaged shooters are socially retarded, thanks in large part to many of the replies above (the internet, social media, etc). They have never had a need to actually interact with others in person and are not equipped to do so. Couple that with the desensitization of violence thanks to Hollywood and video games and this becomes a volatile combination.

Now let's talk about the parents. How does a kid build pipe bombs in the family garage and NOT draw attention from mom and dad (Columbine)? How does a mother that knows her son has mental issues give him the combination to the gunsafe (Sandy Hook)? Absentee parenting is common nowadays, and has been for a while now. While chasing that almighty dollar some things will slip through the cracks...but your kids?! Most of these kids had a history of being "different", acting a little odd, but mom and dad didn't notice? No parent wants to think the worst of their child, but most of them knew. In my opinion, the parents of these kids need to be held accountable for the actions of their offspring. If junior is convicted of a crime (juvenile or not), mom and dad need to pay the price. This is the only way to get the parents' attention and make them take responsibility for their childrens actions.

I echo the sentiment above stating that society is on a downward spiral and I fear for the future. I only hope that my family's next generation makes it through the tough times ahead.
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
My wife and I have talked about this on and off for the past few years.

I went back to school a few years ago (at nearly 50) and got to experience college students first hand. Virtually everyone has their head down staring at their latest and greatest smart phone as they walk between classes. I personally witnessed a kid crash his bicycle because he was texting while he was riding (that was hilarious BTW). While texting and updating their social media pages they walked by hundreds of people every day and never even noticed them.

It seems that virtually all of these teenaged shooters are socially retarded, thanks in large part to many of the replies above (the internet, social media, etc). They have never had a need to actually interact with others in person and are not equipped to do so. Couple that with the desensitization of violence thanks to Hollywood and video games and this becomes a volatile combination.

Now let's talk about the parents. How does a kid build pipe bombs in the family garage and NOT draw attention from mom and dad (Columbine)? How does a mother that knows her son has mental issues give him the combination to the gunsafe (Sandy Hook)? Absentee parenting is common nowadays, and has been for a while now. While chasing that almighty dollar some things will slip through the cracks...but your kids?! Most of these kids had a history of being "different", acting a little odd, but mom and dad didn't notice? No parent wants to think the worst of their child, but most of them knew. In my opinion, the parents of these kids need to be held accountable for the actions of their offspring. If junior is convicted of a crime (juvenile or not), mom and dad need to pay the price. This is the only way to get the parents' attention and make them take responsibility for their childrens actions.

I echo the sentiment above stating that society is on a downward spiral and I fear for the future. I only hope that my family's next generation makes it through the tough times ahead.

We are not on a down ward spiral:

[Linked Image]
To get attention and be SOMEBODY. When it happens it's all over the news. There are kids out there that have no self worth and this is a way for them to be noticed...to be famous. If it wasn't sensationalized by the media I don't think there would be any school shootings.
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are not on a down ward spiral:

You're outa your freaking mind. Here in the USA we murder millions of innocent, defenseless, unborn babies annually and nobody cares. Give me a freaking break.
Assume for a moment that parents are held responsible for their children's actions. In practical terms what does that mean? If the parent realizes the child is not controllable and tries to commit the child to the care of the state does that exempt the parent from liability? If the state refuses to assume liability for the child, then who is responsible? I'm trying not to be an a-hole, just asking the questions that arise from your assertion.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are not on a down ward spiral:

You're outa your freaking mind. Here in the USA we murder millions of innocent, defenseless, unborn babies annually and nobody cares. Give me a freaking break.

You mean those significantly declining abortion rates?

[Linked Image]
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are not on a down ward spiral:

You're outa your freaking mind. Here in the USA we murder millions of innocent, defenseless, unborn babies annually and nobody cares. Give me a freaking break.

You mean those significantly declining abortion rates?

The fact that there's any at all means there's a lot of people like you.....
Off topic: You will note the higher rate of black abortions. Some blacks have argued that the current abortion policy is a racist attempt to reduce the proportion of black population in the U. S.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are not on a down ward spiral:

You're outa your freaking mind. Here in the USA we murder millions of innocent, defenseless, unborn babies annually and nobody cares. Give me a freaking break.

You mean those significantly declining abortion rates?

The fact that there's any at all means there's a lot of people like you.....

So I'm your proxy measure for a world in a down ward spiral?
Losers like you, and this.........

Any of us who receive e-mail from large numbers of Americans can attest to the deteriorating education — including among those who attended college — in written English. In sophisticated commentary on websites as well as in e-mail, one encounters the most basic errors: “it’s” instead of “its”; “their” instead of “there”; “then” instead of “than”; etc.

Most universities have become secular seminaries for the dissemination of leftism. Moreover, aside from indoctrination, students usually learn little. One can earn a B.A. in English at UCLA, for example, without having read a single Shakespeare play.

To the extent that American history is taught, beginning in high school and often earlier, American history is presented as the history of an immoral nation characterized by slavery, racism, colonialism, imperialism, economic exploitation, and militarism — not of a country that, more than any other, has been the beacon of freedom to mankind, and the country that has spent more treasure and spilled more blood to liberate other peoples than any other nation.

The End of Male and Female: Whatever one’s position on same-sex marriage, one must acknowledge that at the core of the argument for this redefinition of marriage is that gender doesn’t matter. Marriage is marriage and gender means nothing, the argument goes. So, too, whether children are raised by mother and father or two mothers or two fathers doesn’t matter. A father has nothing unique to offer a child that a mother can’t provide and vice versa.

Why? Because — for the first time in recorded history — gender is regarded as meaningless. Indeed, increasingly gender doesn’t even exist; it’s merely a social construct imposed on children by parents and society based on the biological happenstance of their genitalia. When signing up for Facebook, one is offered nearly 60 options under “gender.” In various high schools across the country, boys are elected homecoming queen. A woman was recently kicked out of Planet Fitness for objecting to a man in the women’s locker room. She was accused of intolerance because the man said he felt that he was a woman.

The End of Right and Wrong: At least two generations of American young people have been taught that moral categories are nothing more than personal (or societal) preferences. Recently, an incredulous professor of philosophy wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times titled “Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts.” In it he noted, “Without fail, every value claim is labeled an opinion” (italics in original). This extends to assessing the most glaring of evils. Since the Nazis thought killing Jews was right, there is no way to know for sure whether it was wrong; it’s the Nazis’ opinion against that of the Jews and anyone else who objects. I have heard this sentiment from American high-school students — including many Jewish ones — for 30 years.

The End of Religion: There are no moral truths because there is no longer a religious basis for morality. More than the Enlightenment, it was the Bible — especially the Hebrew Bible (which was one reason America’s Christians were different from most European Christians) that guided the Founders’ and other Americans’ values. Not any more. Instead of being guided by a code higher than themselves, Americans are taught to rely on their feelings to determine how to behave. Instead of being given moral guidance, children are asked, “How do you feel about it?”

The End of Beauty: Just as morality is subjective, so are beauty and excellence. There is no good or bad art or literature. You like Beethoven; I like rap. You like Shakespeare; I like Batman. “Street art” (a.k.a graffiti) is worthy of museum exhibition; paint thrown by an “artist” from atop a ladder onto a canvas is considered high art and fetches over $100 million; and a giant sculpture of a dog with lifted leg urinating adorns the front of the Orange County Museum of Art in California.

If you acknowledge that American society is in decay, it is your obligation to fight to undo it. If you can’t acknowledge that American society is in decay, you are providing proof that it is.
So Barm the following quote from you concerns me..

"To me it seems a failure of public education. I have not been in grade school for decades, but what I remember was I hated it. It felt like I was a prisoner. I did not have a choice in anything. I was told what to learn, when to exercise, when to eat, and how to think according to the curriculum. I was forced to hang around people I did not like. It was a helpless feeling. I remember feeling stressed out all the time.

I wish someone had told me, "Life will be better after you are finished school".

I do remember a time on the bus in middle school which would have been in the 80's. One of my friends told me about some of the high school kids picking on him. He was scared and afraid of what they might do to him. He unzipped his book bag and showed me a loaded revolver. When I saw it I knew it was real and this was a bad situation. I told him that wasn't the answer. I told him to talk to one of the teachers, the bus driver, a parent, but don't pull a gun on these jerks. Luckily, he did not shoot anyone, but I don't know what changed his mind. He never shared what he did, or who he talked to. I am glad no one got hurt or worse. I think one of the main problems, is most kids don't know where to turn when things get out of hand. The peer pressure was strong to not snitch on someone and many of the adults in the system were not approachable or trusted. I am not saying all the teachers were bad. There were a couple who said and did the things for me at a time when it truly meant the world. I think the institution didn't reach each kid and unfortunately some kids needed it more than others. Plus parents have a hand in this too. Not everyone had Ward and June Cleaver for parents. I guess my whole point of posting this was to say, I think this has been coming for decades, although it appears to be a recent thing. "

barm, It's obvious you've been away from schools for quite some time if you think it's the schools that "are just asking for it". So let me catch you up a bit. Schools are expected to pick kids up and drop them off literally at their doorstep or the doorstep of whoever is watching them because often it's not a parent. Then the school provides a wide variety of social services from mandated healthcare screening, mandated child abuse reporters, drug & alcohol intervention, transportation and supplemental services for homeless and foster children, individualized special education services including emotional support, free and reduced lunch for low income student (and sadly many schools, including one I volunteer at, pack and send home food for kids on weekends because there isn't enough food for them at home), clothing if needed, and I could go on. In the '80's schools were expected to act in loco parentis...in place of the parents...while kids were at school. Now, in many cases, schools have become the parents. Students and parents have more rights and fewer responsibilities than ever. And schools are spending millions of dollars on security and services just to protect kids so they can get an education. So please don't try to make the case that any school, or any child, had this terrorism coming. That couldn't be further from the truth and no one should die in a school...no one!
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are not on a down ward spiral:

Yeah, it is hard to get knocked up over an Iphone or the internet. I don't believe kids are screwing near as much these days as they were 40 and 50 years ago.
Schools have sought this added responsibility. This is a failure of public responsibility. Pure and simple it was mission creep, and should not have happened. Where do we go from here?
All I know is that from the time that I grew up until now that the world has changed, and not for the better. My parents both worked full time to support four kids, but worked opposite shifts to make sure one of them were always home for the kids...show me any modern family that would do the same.

I'm not the most religious person on the planet (can't tell you the last time I was in a church) but I truly believe that the loss of religion (ANY religion) in our society has weakend us as a whole.

antelope_sniper: Your colorful charts don't mean schitt!!! The old saying "figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure" comes to mind. If you truly think we are better off now than we were 20 years ago then you are delusional.
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
All I know is that from the time that I grew up until now that the world has changed, and not for the better. My parents both worked full time to support four kids, but worked opposite shifts to make sure one of them were always home for the kids...show me any modern family that would do the same.

My wife and I do exactly that, but we have 6 kids, not 4.
The idiots in the press don't help the way they sensationalize these events and the shooters themselves. Then they might not so much if folks didn't watch and ratings went down.
Hey,, lets all talk about it 24/7 for days, maybe some one else will get the idea to do it so they can have their 15 minutes or 15 days of fame.
All part of this sick society we life in
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are not on a down ward spiral:

Yeah, it is hard to get knocked up over an Iphone or the internet. I don't believe kids are screwing near as much these days as they were 40 and 50 years ago.

That's part of the equation. The generation the screwed the most was actually my generation, Gen X, Of course, at the time, we were considered the spawns of Satan who would destroy this country.
Not knocking you and yours, just saying that I feel the non-Campfire folks out there are shirking thier responsibilities as parents and need to be held responsible for thier kids jackassery.
Parents are just as self centered at the kids we're bitching about. It's all about me. These are all little pieces to a big puzzle, glorified by the nightly news.

Is it me, or is society as a whole facing a bigger wrath of problems than ever before? I know for a fact that the day I stopped listening to talk radio and watching anything other than the local news that things seemed to mellow out. Call it burying my head in the sand, but damn man. Doesn't make sense to get pissed off about things that are totally out of my control.

It's like I said earlier, look at the pissing contests on this forum. Even this thread. They might be superficial topics (not this one), but emotions are real and can control you.

And if being pissed because Big Stick says your 270 sucks doesn't roll off your back....then maybe it's time to disconnect.
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
antelope_sniper: Your colorful charts don't mean schitt!!! The old saying "figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure" comes to mind. If you truly think we are better off now than we were 20 years ago then you are delusional.

If you have contra-facts lets see them.

I'm not sure where you came up with this 20 year figure. I've been discussion our condition across broad swaths of time. I mentioned school death back in the 1920's and charted murder rates back to the 1600's. For the average working man, life's never been better then it is in America, today. He is not just the 1%, he's the 0.1% when compared to all people across the depths of history.

The following chart is for England, but the same trend applies to their greatest former colony:

[Linked Image]
Originally Posted by 16bore
Parents are just as self centered at the kids we're bitching about. It's all about me. These are all little pieces to a big puzzle, glorified by the nightly news.

Is it me, or is society as a whole facing a bigger wrath of problems than ever before? I know for a fact that the day I stopped listening to talk radio and watching anything other than the local news that things seemed to mellow out. Call it burying my head in the sand, but damn man. Doesn't make sense to get pissed off about things that are totally out of my control.

It's like I said earlier, look at the pissing contests on this forum. Even this thread. They might be superficial topics (not this one), but emotions are real and can control you.

And if being pissed because Big Stick says your 270 sucks doesn't roll off your back....then maybe it's time to disconnect.

I experienced the exact same thing, stopped listening to the talking heads (even Fox News) and felt a genuine sense of relaxation. I moved to a small (2500 people) town six months ago and couldn't be happier. Life here is more like it was 25+ years ago and we LOVE it.
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
antelope_sniper: Your colorful charts don't mean schitt!!! The old saying "figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure" comes to mind. If you truly think we are better off now than we were 20 years ago then you are delusional.

If you have contra-facts lets see them.

I'm not sure where you came up with this 20 year figure. I've been discussion our condition across broad swaths of time. I mentioned school death back in the 1920's and charted murder rates back to the 1600's. For the average working man, life's never been better then it is in America, today. He is not just the 1%, he's the 0.1% when compared to all people across the depths of history.

The following chart is for England, but the same trend applies to their greatest former colony:

[Linked Image]

Seriously?! You have a chart dating back to the thirteenth century in BRITAIN and think it is relevant to this conversation? You have issues.
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
Originally Posted by 16bore
Parents are just as self centered at the kids we're bitching about. It's all about me. These are all little pieces to a big puzzle, glorified by the nightly news.

Is it me, or is society as a whole facing a bigger wrath of problems than ever before? I know for a fact that the day I stopped listening to talk radio and watching anything other than the local news that things seemed to mellow out. Call it burying my head in the sand, but damn man. Doesn't make sense to get pissed off about things that are totally out of my control.

It's like I said earlier, look at the pissing contests on this forum. Even this thread. They might be superficial topics (not this one), but emotions are real and can control you.

And if being pissed because Big Stick says your 270 sucks doesn't roll off your back....then maybe it's time to disconnect.

I experienced the exact same thing, stopped listening to the talking heads (even Fox News) and felt a genuine sense of relaxation. I moved to a small (2500 people) town six months ago and couldn't be happier. Life here is more like it was 25+ years ago and we LOVE it.

Simple is simply better. IMHO. Kinda like rifles. You can make schit as complicated as you want, but look at the excitement of a 12 year old kid with his first rifle and his first deer (or her, for that matter). That's the good stuff.

Anyway, sad to see these kids not enjoying the best years of their lives. Very sad.
[/quote]Simple is simply better. IMHO. Kinda like rifles. You can make schit as complicated as you want, but look at the excitement of a 12 year old kid with his first rifle and his first deer (or her, for that matter). That's the good stuff.

Anyway, sad to see these kids not enjoying the best years of their lives. Very sad.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Losers like you, and this.........

Any of us who receive e-mail from large numbers of Americans can attest to the deteriorating education — including among those who attended college — in written English. In sophisticated commentary on websites as well as in e-mail, one encounters the most basic errors: “it’s” instead of “its”; “their” instead of “there”; “then” instead of “than”; etc. With tools such as spelling and grammar check and word processors, the quality of spelling and grammar in finish products is actually improving.

Most universities have become secular seminaries for the dissemination of leftism. Moreover, aside from indoctrination, students usually learn little. One can earn a B.A. in English at UCLA, for example, without having read a single Shakespeare play.English and English Literature are two separate degree's.

To the extent that American history is taught, beginning in high school and often earlier, American history is presented as the history of an immoral nation characterized by slavery, racism, colonialism, imperialism, economic exploitation, and militarism — not of a country that, more than any other, has been the beacon of freedom to mankind, and the country that has spent more treasure and spilled more blood to liberate other peoples than any other nation.Depends on the school.
In Littleton expect your kids to read John Locke

The End of Male and Female: Whatever one’s position on same-sex marriage, one must acknowledge that at the core of the argument for this redefinition of marriage is that gender doesn’t matter. Marriage is marriage and gender means nothing, the argument goes. So, too, whether children are raised by mother and father or two mothers or two fathers doesn’t matter. A father has nothing unique to offer a child that a mother can’t provide and vice versa.Yea, this is pure BS.
Fortunately it's rejected by all but the most radical

Why? Because — for the first time in recorded history — gender is regarded as meaningless. Indeed, increasingly gender doesn’t even exist; it’s merely a social construct imposed on children by parents and society based on the biological happenstance of their genitalia. When signing up for Facebook, one is offered nearly 60 options under “gender.” In various high schools across the country, boys are elected homecoming queen. A woman was recently kicked out of Planet Fitness for objecting to a man in the women’s locker room. She was accused of intolerance because the man said he felt that he was a woman.

The End of Right and Wrong: At least two generations of American young people have been taught that moral categories are nothing more than personal (or societal) preferences. Recently, an incredulous professor of philosophy wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times titled “Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts.” In it he noted, “Without fail, every value claim is labeled an opinion” (italics in original). This extends to assessing the most glaring of evils. Since the Nazis thought killing Jews was right, there is no way to know for sure whether it was wrong; it’s the Nazis’ opinion against that of the Jews and anyone else who objects. I have heard this sentiment from American high-school students — including many Jewish ones — for 30 years.

The End of Religion: There are no moral truths because there is no longer a religious basis for morality.Any of us who Just not true. Divine Command Theory is not a pathway to moral truths. In addition if you accept that at one time following The Law was moral, but at a later time it was not required to be moral,
you've already accepted moral relativism and a variance of morality across time.
More than the Enlightenment, it was the Bible — especially the Hebrew Bible (which was one reason America’s Christians were different from most European Christians) that guided the Founders’ and other Americans’ values. No. A large portion of the Founding Fathers were deist.The term "separation of church as sate derived from Jefferson. Not any more. Instead of being guided by a code higher than themselves, Americans are taught to rely on their feelings to determine how to behave. Instead of being given moral guidance, children are asked, “How do you feel about it?”

The End of Beauty: Just as morality is subjective, so are beauty and excellence. There is no good or bad art or literature. You like Beethoven; I like rap. You like Shakespeare; I like Batman. “Street art” (a.k.a graffiti) is worthy of museum exhibition; paint thrown by an “artist” from atop a ladder onto a canvas is considered high art and fetches over $100 million; and a giant sculpture of a dog with lifted leg urinating adorns the front of the Orange County Museum of Art in California. Art always has been, and always will be, subjective. One of the reason we think old are is superior to modern art is "The survivor bias". An example is classical music. Today we only listen to music created by the best 1% of musicians from the classical era, and even than, only 10% of their music. Of course the top 0.1% of all that was created in that era is excellent.

If you acknowledge that American society is in decay, it is your obligation to fight to undo it. If you can’t acknowledge that American society is in decay, you are providing proof that it is.
Just because we have challenges, that does not mean the overall trend is one of decay.

You should have at least given Dennis Pager credit for his work.
Of course, he believes in Divine Command Theory, which is not a moral system.
Also when Prager wrote this, we had a different president.
Originally Posted by 16bore
Parents are just as self centered at the kids we're bitching about. It's all about me. These are all little pieces to a big puzzle, glorified by the nightly news.

Is it me, or is society as a whole facing a bigger wrath of problems than ever before? I know for a fact that the day I stopped listening to talk radio and watching anything other than the local news that things seemed to mellow out. Call it burying my head in the sand, but damn man. Doesn't make sense to get pissed off about things that are totally out of my control.

It's like I said earlier, look at the pissing contests on this forum. Even this thread. They might be superficial topics (not this one), but emotions are real and can control you.

And if being pissed because Big Stick says your 270 sucks doesn't roll off your back....then maybe it's time to disconnect.

Originally Posted by SurlyBob
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
antelope_sniper: Your colorful charts don't mean schitt!!! The old saying "figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure" comes to mind. If you truly think we are better off now than we were 20 years ago then you are delusional.

If you have contra-facts lets see them.

I'm not sure where you came up with this 20 year figure. I've been discussion our condition across broad swaths of time. I mentioned school death back in the 1920's and charted murder rates back to the 1600's. For the average working man, life's never been better then it is in America, today. He is not just the 1%, he's the 0.1% when compared to all people across the depths of history.

The following chart is for England, but the same trend applies to their greatest former colony:

[Linked Image]

Seriously?! You have a chart dating back to the thirteenth century in BRITAIN and think it is relevant to this conversation? You have issues.

Because I can take a long view and keep things in perspective I have "issues"?

Originally Posted by Gus
Originally Posted by Steelhead
It's funny that people think there is just one answer. Multiple people will have multiple reasons.

yes, first there needs to be a congregation of people, like a school or mall for instance. then there needs to be a shooter, and a weapon to use. then the shooter needs a proper motivation (in his own mind). and everyone of them are probably led into the violence based upon their own thinking, not somebody else's reason for being upset.

and of course first responders and tv camers are mandatory in the follow-up. then the anti-gun conversations begin. it's a pattern from beginning to end, for sure.

Correct. Another loser male and an AR, a very familiar refrain. That's why reclassifying semiautos that accept detachable magazines as Class 3 is the most surgical, least restrictive solution to the problem. Separate these weapons from the losers.
Originally Posted by hanco
They can’t get any pussy. They take their frustrations out on other people.

Do you talk like this at the dinner table?
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by Gus
Originally Posted by Steelhead
It's funny that people think there is just one answer. Multiple people will have multiple reasons.

yes, first there needs to be a congregation of people, like a school or mall for instance. then there needs to be a shooter, and a weapon to use. then the shooter needs a proper motivation (in his own mind). and everyone of them are probably led into the violence based upon their own thinking, not somebody else's reason for being upset.

and of course first responders and tv camers are mandatory in the follow-up. then the anti-gun conversations begin. it's a pattern from beginning to end, for sure.

Correct. Another loser male and an AR, a very familiar refrain. That's why reclassifying semiautos that accept detachable magazines as Class 3 is the most surgical, least restrictive solution to the problem. Separate these weapons from the losers.

How do you get from your Fudd gun, a Remington 870, to an AR??

So now you want to classify 870's and revolvers as Class 3 weapons?
Originally Posted by gregintenn
Debbie Whatzername Schultz said it was the NRA's fault.

And she would be correct about that.
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How do you get from your Fudd gun, a Remington 870, to an AR??

So now you want to classify 870's and revolvers as Class 3 weapons?

Initial reports stated an AR was used.
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How do you get from your Fudd gun, a Remington 870, to an AR??

So now you want to classify 870's and revolvers as Class 3 weapons?

Pay attention. Neither 870s nor revolvers accept detachable magazines.

it's someone else who isn't paying attention tonight. But considering all the reviews you've received from patience who claim you didn't pay proper attention to them, you lack of attention to facts in this matter is no surprise.
Originally Posted by ltppowell
... the answer is obvious...

The answer is not obvious. If it were, it might be that making schools "gun-free zones" is like naming them "free shooting galleries" for the insane coward.
Originally Posted by deflave
Have you been in a high school lately?

Kinda hard to not want to shoot everyone.

Originally Posted by Paddler
Correct. Another loser male and an AR, a very familiar refrain. That's why reclassifying semiautos that accept detachable magazines as Class 3 is the most surgical, least restrictive solution to the problem. Separate these weapons from the losers.

Nope. That's the most popular firearm in the US now. Of the 350 million firearms in private hands, a large portion of them are AR15s. Besides, the left has taken off the masks and admitted they won't settle for anything less than a total gun ban. They can't have mine. Their move.
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by gregintenn
Debbie Whatzername Schultz said it was the NRA's fault.

And she would be correct about that.

Of course she's wrong. As are you.
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How do you get from your Fudd gun, a Remington 870, to an AR??

So now you want to classify 870's and revolvers as Class 3 weapons?

Initial reports stated an AR was used.

Has anyone credible verified that?
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How do you get from your Fudd gun, a Remington 870, to an AR??

So now you want to classify 870's and revolvers as Class 3 weapons?

Pay attention. Neither 870s nor revolvers accept detachable magazines.

it's someone else who isn't paying attention tonight. But considering all the reviews you've received from patience who claim you didn't pay proper attention to them, you lack of attention to facts in this matter is no surprise.

I was at work when I first saw the reports about the shooting which said the shooter used an AR, so was preoccupied with providing excellent health care. It wasn't till I got home and was watching Rachel that I saw the updated info. His choice of weapons was different from the usual assault-type firearm used. I imagine more info will be forthcoming, but I'd guess his parents could bear some responsibility in this event.

Hey, TOTP!
Originally Posted by Prwlr
But only in an electronic sort of way. You see kids sitting together texting one another. The problem is there is no human "touch", no face to face to see how the words they are "saying" are impacting each other. Much of human interaction relies on non verbal clues. There is a major disconnection on an emotional level.

That is relatively new when you're comparing generations, but I can remember most of my students having their phones out and already talking with someone before they even left the classroom en rout to their next class. That was 15 years ago. I believe ALL schools should ban the use of "smart" phones except in the case of a real emergency while the kids are in school. If the phone is out and in use the kid loses it until the end of the day. Following the tenets of progressive discipline each infraction by the same kid could end up in expulsion.

They are completely oblivious to what is occurring around them...even mere feet away. They are prime targets for the "knock out game" or a robbery, or getting run down by a cyclist or a motor vehicle.
Anytime there is a school shooting, or for that matter any kind of tragic event, the news media drop everything they're doing, and rush to the scene, providing non-stop coverage. Sickos see this, and a little light goes off in their head, and they think.......hmmmmmmm, this could me they're talking about, and the next thing you know, it is them that the news is calling the latest killer.

Quit giving these sick basturds publicity, and a lot of them will go away. Also, start holding the parents responsible, and maybe parents will actually begin to pay some attention to their kids, and can see when something is wrong.
Originally Posted by Peddler

[quote=logger]Back in the "old days" (pre internet), if something like this happened (say Whitman shooting at UT Austin in 1966) it would eventually fade away. It was hard to access information about it other than to go to a library to look at old newspapers. Now, with the internet and all it brings (search, You tube, etc.) someone with a fascination with mass killings can access an unlimited amount of material. They can research, plan and compare and focus all of your time on your fantasy.

Based on the number IED's I've heard this kid had planned, I will wager he had a major fascination with Columbine.
Originally Posted by SurlyBob
All I know is that from the time that I grew up until now that the world has changed, and not for the better. My parents both worked full time to support four kids, but worked opposite shifts to make sure one of them were always home for the kids...show me any modern family that would do the same.

That's how my grandparents did it, on both sides.
Originally Posted by Youper
Harassment and bullying is not new. The modern reactions to it are new. Whatever is shaping these reactions is the problem.

Again, this is partly why I mention the internet as being unhealthy. The harassment and bullying never ends. It's like the 24 hour news cycle. There's no reprieve and no break from it at the end of the day or over the weekend or over spring break. Social media never stops and kids don't have the maturity to tune it out and laugh it off.

I'm not saying it should be regulated but there is no way it's not a factor in shaping a teenager's mental health.
Originally Posted by deflave
Based on the number IED's I've heard this kid had planned, I will wager he had a major fascination with Columbine.

Bingo. Right down to the costume.

What was he wearing? I haven't seen much on it this morning.
I just read he wore a trench coat about every day. Also says a second person has been detained.

Gonna be a Columbine reenactment I would wager.
Trenchcoat. He wore it every day including the day of the shooting when it was 90 outside.

Guy mentions it in the first minute...

Good points Clark. Good points indeed. Social media is a huge part of every child’s life these days. If they’re odd and being bullied because of it, there’s really no place to run or hide from the bullying.

We overlook genetics quite a bit in these scenarios, but it would seem to me bullying is as deep seated in our genetic makeup as some of our diet needs

We’ve probably always ostracized those that are different from our tribe and either run them off or killed them

I see some progress, I think today’s generations are probably more tolerant to some degree of those with physical or mental disability than mine was but it seems evident it hasn’t disappeared

Heck we see it on here and I’m just as guilty as anyone, I’d just as soon kick the living chit out of a buffoon like Paddler or Northman rather than entertain their form of mental illness, liberalism.

I don’t know what the answers are to this dilemma, but I do know good men discussing probably has the best chance at finding a solution.

Like most serious problems, many may not like what the answers or solutions may be to tough problems

Need to lose weight to prevent a heart attack? Prolly have to give up the cookies and ice cream and exercise. But that doesn’t mean we should ban cookies and ice cream

Want to stop school shootings? Gonna be harder to regulate, but it seems logical to me that we quit allowing our schools to be soft targets until we can get figured out the social ills that contribute to these.

One thing that contributes in a large way in my personal opinion is all the free time kids have, unsupervised free time often it seems

2 generations ago we were largely an agriculture society and most folks worked on their parents or grandparents farm It used up a lot of time and energy hauling water, chopping wood, feeding and tending livestock, seeing the miracle of birth the sadness of death was part of growing up.

I commend you fellows for this discussion, I hope it’s happening across our country and leads to some positive results
trench coat with nazi pins. ya if i was that kids parents, i would have made sure the guns were locked up, hell, i keep all my guns locked up and my wife and i are the only ones who know the combos and my kids are normal, well adjusted rednecks.

theres a common theme with most of these. out of touch parents or guardians who don't keep their guns locked up.
In my opinion the blaming of parents without any knowledge of them is knee-jerk and without cause. It's simple to say but kids hide lots of schit from their parents and they do it successfully.

I did it. My brother did it. My friends did it. And it's certainly possible that this kid did it as well.

The Columbine shooters were portrayed as creepy and goth and outcasts but the reality is that they were relatively popular and well liked going into the year of the shooting. The "trench coat mafia" thing was also largely exaggerated by the media. It was more of stupid inside joke than anything else.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

Losers want fame. They want 'High Score'. They know the media will glorify them and give them what they have been unable to achieve.Stop releasing their names and the shootings will be reduced drastically. They keep telling us why they do it, but most want to ignore what they say.
ya i hear ya. and like i have said on this subject before, a kid does not think like an adult. no matter how well rounded and together a kid seems to be, they should not have unfettered access to firearms. projecting adult values and judgement on a young man is not a good idea. trust but verify.
No doubt.

I'm 40 and still don't think like an adult.
I blame it on bottled water and hormone injected chicken.
Something is wrong at the schools themselves. Schools are the common denominator.
Originally Posted by rickt300
Something is wrong at the schools themselves. Schools are the common denominator.

I seem to remember something about a theater in Colorado and churches in Texas and South Carolina, and marathon in Boston, and all the workplace shootings.
The thread title is about schools.
Why do school shootings happen?

Several of the shooters have been caught alive.

Shouldn't anyone ask them?
Why do school shootings happen?

Because the children aren't held responsible for what they do. Parents aren't held responsible for their children. This is what you get when the "village" raises the children.

We all talk about "they way it was" when we were kids.....taking guns to school, so we could hunt after school let out, or shooting on the rifle team, working on them in gunsmith class, etc....

Go back another generation, and my dad (at 16 years of age) would buy a case of dupont, along with blasting caps, and charged them to my Grandad's account. Carried it home on his shoulder, and spent the weekend blasting stumps to expand the hay field. Now, you have to be 18 to buy a rattle can of spray paint, and 21 to buy ammo!

I ask............what is different between now and 1947? This has absolutely nothing to do with guns.....it's the village.

I blame it on republicans, capitalism, freedom....oh and the Church.

Makes as much sense as 96% of whats posted here.

Originally Posted by Northman
I blame it on republicans, capitalism, freedom....oh and the Church.

Makes as much sense as 96% of whats posted here.

OK Poindexter, give us the real skinny.
Originally Posted by rickt300
The thread title is about schools.

Regardless of the title, not all mass shootings occur at schools.
Here's more info on the Houston shooter. Not condoning in the least but there were reasons. I know, I know, kids aren't taught to be tough and hard anymore but this culture of basically rewarding the bully has got to stop if the murder is to stop.

Here's a list of school shootings. Apparently the first one (from this list) occurred in 1764 in Greencastle PA. Obviously this was almost 200 years before the AR!

see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States
"Here's a list of school shootings. Apparently the first one (from this list) occurred in 1764 in Greencastle PA."

A lot of those are just shootings that happen to take place at a school. I don't classify that in the same category as Columbine, etc..
Reading the 1999 book by Lt. Col. David Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano "Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill" might give a few answers.
Schools are unhappy places for most kids. They have pressure to perform in the classroom. Most are outsiders when it comes to popularity. Some kids are ugly. The other kids make fun of them. Most hate going to school. There are lots of sexually fustrated young men in high schools. Most are too awkward to get a date. Most don’t have a way to get an automobile. It’s hard to get a girlfriend without a way to take her on dates. There is lots of pent up frustration. Some build up a terrible rage. They create revenge scenarios, some with access to firearms, carry them out. They feel their lives are going nowhere. I think they want others to feel the pain they do. The only way to stop this is securing the buildings.
I read a link recently that says all school shooters were under psychotropic drug use...
Originally Posted by hanco
Schools are unhappy places for most kids. They have pressure to perform in the classroom. Most are outsiders when it comes to popularity. Some kids are ugly. The other kids make fun of them. Most hate going to school. There are lots of sexually fustrated young men in high schools. Most are too awkward to get a date. Most don’t have a way to get an automobile. It’s hard to get a girlfriend without a way to take her on dates. There is lots of pent up frustration. Some build up a terrible rage. They create revenge scenarios, some with access to firearms, carry them out. They feel their lives are going nowhere. I think they want others to feel the pain they do. The only way to stop this is securing the buildings.

this helps to sum up the abc's of it all.

schools are an integral part of corporate world we live in. youngsters have to have somewhere to go, to be controlled, to be "educated" while the parents work. it's just the way it is. women for the most part are no longer in the homes while the husband works. they both work and are gone, thus the need for children's care. frustration does build. and unfortunately sometimes it spills over. and then it's not a pretty sight. maybe more control is needed.
Originally Posted by hanco
Schools are unhappy places for most kids. They have pressure to perform in the classroom. Most are outsiders when it comes to popularity. Some kids are ugly. The other kids make fun of them. Most hate going to school. There are lots of sexually fustrated young men in high schools. Most are too awkward to get a date. Most don’t have a way to get an automobile. It’s hard to get a girlfriend without a way to take her on dates. There is lots of pent up frustration. Some build up a terrible rage. They create revenge scenarios, some with access to firearms, carry them out. They feel their lives are going nowhere. I think they want others to feel the pain they do. The only way to stop this is securing the buildings.

That's all true but that has been a constant for many years. We have to look at what has changed.
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Why do school shootings happen?

Several of the shooters have been caught alive.

Shouldn't anyone ask them?

They do ask them. But the media reports nothing on it. There is typically much more to the story but you have to research and read to find out. After two weeks the media moves on to the next headline.

Look at the Unabomber story. Years spent hunting that guy down and all the media ever put out was he "opposed technology." What a joke.
Paxil, Ritalin,Zoloft and so many other "anti depressants" are what has changed!
Originally Posted by Bootsfishing
I read a link recently that says all school shooters were under psychotropic drug use...

This makes sense. The function of a lot of those drugs is to inhibit barriers (such as normal anxiety evoked by it) between impulses and actions, and therefore between fantasy and reality.
Past generations tried to keep their kids from experimenting with drugs, the 60's generation had kids, and thought that giving them drugs was easier than raising them and teaching them a work ethic, we have huge numbers of kids that have been drugged their entire life time for ADD and other symptoms of sitting on their azzes instead of going outside and playing.
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Bootsfishing
I read a link recently that says all school shooters were under psychotropic drug use...

This makes sense. The function of a lot of those drugs is to inhibit barriers (such as normal anxiety evoked by it) between impulses and actions, and therefore between fantasy and reality.

Yep. People keep asking what's changed...THAT is what has changed.

Nobody's phone is making them commit mass murder.
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Bootsfishing
I read a link recently that says all school shooters were under psychotropic drug use...

This makes sense. The function of a lot of those drugs is to inhibit barriers (such as normal anxiety evoked by it) between impulses and actions, and therefore between fantasy and reality.

Yep. People keep asking what's changed...THAT is what has changed.

Nobody's phone is making them commit mass murder.

That is ONE of the changes. Not the only change.

To address mental health you have to have a wider scope.
Who here thinks you should be able to google japanese girls schitting on a transvestites face? (Gus aside)

But all we hear about from the media regarding these issues is "free speech." The internet needs a massive shutting down of content. I don't know how you would go about it but it needs to happen.
Get those kids off Ritalin and get them running around a track daily.

That'll get rid of a lot of mental health issues. Most kids today get almost no exercise.
Originally Posted by jimy
Paxil, Ritalin,Zoloft and so many other "anti depressants" are what has changed!

You need to research your meds. Ritalin is not an antidepressant, it is used in the treatment of ADHD. I know many on the fire and teachers do not believe in this diagnosis. But it exists, I have 2, now adult, children that have it as well as both parents. The difference between my oldest taking Ritalin and not taking it was like night and day. He did not have any behavioral problems but his ability to concentrate and do an assignment was definitely better on Ritalin. I look back on my elementary and HS experiences and can definitely see that I have ADHD. On my elementary school report cards there was a part where your attention in class was rated excellent, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory. I did not rate even an unsatisfactory, they wrote "draws castles in the sky" instead. I had a lot of negative"attention" in school believe me ( I went to Catholic school K-12). ADHD is not just a psyche diagnosis. It has been demonstrated on PET scans that these children have decreased blood flow to the frontal cortex in the area that governs attention and self control when compared to "normal" controls. What Ritalin and other drugs used to treat this do is improve blood flow to that area of the brain which is why even though they are "speed" they have both a calming effect and increase ability to concentrate. Both my kids graduated with 3.6 GPAs from HS but it took a lot of effort on our part (especially mom) to keep them on tract doing their assignments, etc. Both participated in HS Naval ROTC and were highly decorated officers. Properly used these medications are a real benefit to children with this diagnosis. There are readily available testing protocols which can test for this diagnosis available.

You're saying the drug works.

I'm saying nobody knows the long lasting effects of the drug.
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Get those kids off Ritalin and get them running around a track daily.

That'll get rid of a lot of mental health issues. Most kids today get almost no exercise.

That's a broad and ignorant statement.
Originally Posted by deflave
Who here thinks you should be able to google japanese girls schitting on a transvestites face? (Gus aside)

But all we hear about from the media regarding these issues is "free speech." The internet needs a massive shutting down of content. I don't know how you would go about it but it needs to happen.


The internet is the breeding ground for evil. Look what social media is doing.

The issue is the current culture in the middle/high schools. Brutal place to be. Most boys are porn addicted. Girls are confused as hell as most don't have a strong father figure anymore as most dads are acting like 15 year olds if they are even in the picture. Bullying and sexual harassment is rampant. Teachers are liberals. Drug use is rampant. Sports are good, but are replacing the family structure for some. Most parents are detached from it all, as they got their own crap to deal with. Mixed/broken families are common. Kids are basically raising each other.

We are a nation of selfish, budding sociopaths. These shootings are just a refection of who we are, and where we are heading.
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Get those kids off Ritalin and get them running around a track daily.

That'll get rid of a lot of mental health issues. Most kids today get almost no exercise.

That's a broad and ignorant statement.

What exactly do you disagree with in it? I'm completely opposed to drugging kids, and I'm completely for kids getting fit. Healthy minds and bodies don't come from a bottle of pills.

Yeah of course there's other factors involved but imo that's the most logical first step.
Kids today don't get less exercise than other generations. If anything, they get more due to helicopter parents that force them into sports they'd otherwise not engage in.

Ritalin DOES change the behavior of kids with attention problems. My children would have likely benefited from it but I refused to put them on it. To say exercise would have the same result is ridiculous. My kids got plenty of exercise and they are/were still [bleep].
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by deflave
Who here thinks you should be able to google japanese girls schitting on a transvestites face? (Gus aside)

But all we hear about from the media regarding these issues is "free speech." The internet needs a massive shutting down of content. I don't know how you would go about it but it needs to happen.


The internet is the breeding ground for evil. Look what social media is doing.

The issue is the current culture in the middle/high schools. Brutal place to be. Most boys are porn addicted. Girls are confused as hell as most don't have a strong father figure anymore as most dads are acting like 15 year olds if they are even in the picture. Bullying and sexual harassment is rampant. Teachers are liberals. Drug use is rampant. Sports are good, but are replacing the family structure for some. Most parents are detached from it all, as they got their own crap to deal with. Mixed/broken families are common. Kids are basically raising each other.

We are a nation of selfish, budding sociopaths. These shootings are just a refection of who we are, and where we are heading.

Can't argue with any of that.
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Get those kids off Ritalin and get them running around a track daily.

That'll get rid of a lot of mental health issues. Most kids today get almost no exercise.

That's a broad and ignorant statement.

What exactly do you disagree with in it? I'm completely opposed to drugging kids, and I'm completely for kids getting fit. Healthy minds and bodies don't come from a bottle of pills.

Yeah of course there's other factors involved but imo that's the most logical first step.

That would help some, IMO, but not all. Some kids need drugs to be able to function in a school setting. Like it or not. They are over prescribed but with the system we have set up, you can't stick an out of control kid in a classroom, to the detriment of the education of other kids. I've seen kids spin a 180 when put on drugs and actually learn something.
These kids environment is another factor, we were country people, land creeks woods to roam, we were never bored, if we thought we were my dad would find some work for us to do. if you pack a couple hundred poor kids into public housing,no fathers, and expect them to all want to go, on a group trip to Disney, well you are an idiot!
Originally Posted by Calvin

That would help some, IMO, but not all. Some kids need drugs to be able to function in a school setting. Like it or not. They are over prescribed but with the system we have set up, you can't stick an out of control kid in a classroom, to the detriment of the education of other kids. I've seen kids spin a 180 when put on drugs and actually learn something.

What Calvin said.

Nobody should dispute that the drugs work, however, we should ask if anybody knows what the long term effects of these drugs are.

Nobody knows. And nobody seems to want to know. Adderall is like bubble gum on college campuses. That means it's used in high school too. Heavily.
Originally Posted by deflave
I'm saying nobody knows the long lasting effects of the drug.

I understand your concern 'flave. My children are 32 and 29 respectively. My oldest has ADHD but has stopped taking the drugs since graduating from HS (18). He is an adult but his life continues to be hampered by impulsiveness and lack of concentration but he refuses to be on medication (his choice). Other wise good kid works hard and just recently got married, but I think he will never realized his full potential. Number 2 son took meds until junior year in HS but was having a difficult time with college classes and last year decided to seek psyche help and was prescribed a third generation "Ritalin". He is now completing certification as a CAD graphic designer. He has progressed slowly through college due to working his way through (no debt). If you have it the meds definitely help. I think that what helped me succeed with out meds (unheard of when I was in school) is my ability to hyper focus when trying to solve a problem but it is to the exclusion of practically all other sensory input. A herd of elephants could come in and destroy the entire room and afterward I could look up and have only a WTF look on my face.
Originally Posted by jimy
These kids environment is another factor, we were country people, land creeks woods to roam, we were never bored, if we thought we were my dad would find some work for us to do. if you pack a couple hundred poor kids into public housing,no fathers, and expect them to all want to go, on a group trip to Disney, well you are an idiot!

Spare us the farmer vs. city kid rhetoric.

Plenty of well adapted city kids have grown to be massive successes in life and didn't shoot up a school. This issue needs to be looked at objectively from the right because rest assured the left is going to leverage it to remove your rights.
Originally Posted by Prwlr
Originally Posted by deflave
I'm saying nobody knows the long lasting effects of the drug.

I understand your concern 'flave. My children are 32 and 29 respectively. My oldest has ADHD but has stopped taking the drugs since graduating from HS (18). He is an adult but his life continues to be hampered by impulsiveness and lack of concentration but he refuses to be on medication (his choice). Other wise good kid works hard and just recently got married, but I think he will never realized his full potential. Number 2 son took meds until junior year in HS but was having a difficult time with college classes and last year decided to seek psyche help and was prescribed a third generation "Ritalin". He is now completing certification as a CAD graphic designer. He has progressed slowly through college due to working his way through (no debt). If you have it the meds definitely help. I think that what helped me succeed with out meds (unheard of when I was in school) is my ability to hyper focus when trying to solve a problem but it is to the exclusion of practically all other sensory input. A herd of elephants could come in and destroy the entire room and afterward I could look up and have only a WTF look on my face.

Again, I'm not saying the drugs don't work. I'm saying we don't know what the long term effects on them are. If your kid is on drugs his entire life and has another kid, does that affect his child? If mom takes ritalin her entire life, does that affect her child?

If you start a kid in Kindergarten instead of ninth grade, what's the result?
Originally Posted by deflave
Who here thinks you should be able to google japanese girls schitting on a transvestites face? (Gus aside)

But all we hear about from the media regarding these issues is "free speech." The internet needs a massive shutting down of content. I don't know how you would go about it but it needs to happen.

When school shootings occur all we hear is " we have to do something"which usually equates to banning firearms.How about restricting social media? No one can register for a social media ( facebook,twitter,etc.) until they graduate from high school!That qualifies as "doing something"!
Originally Posted by savage2400
Originally Posted by deflave
Who here thinks you should be able to google japanese girls schitting on a transvestites face? (Gus aside)

But all we hear about from the media regarding these issues is "free speech." The internet needs a massive shutting down of content. I don't know how you would go about it but it needs to happen.

When school shootings occur all we hear is " we have to do something"which usually equates to banning firearms.How about restricting social media? No one can register for a social media ( facebook,twitter,etc.) until they graduate from high school!That qualifies as "doing something"!

That would be as arbitrary and without cause as banning AR's.
Its not the location, its the accessibility to things to do, and the versatility of things to do, short white kids don't excel at hoops, but we can fish, some can't run fast, you don't need to, if you spend your day shooting be be guns, we only got bullied at school, when they shipped us to town, we fought back and they found easier prey. we didn't have many friends but we always had a dog, and most of us had a father that beat our asses if we were to stupid for ourselves, or others good.
Originally Posted by jimy
Its not the location, its the accessibility to things to do, and the versatility of things to do, short white kids don't excel at hoops, but we can fish, some can't run fast, you don't need to, if you spend your day shooting be be guns, we only got bullied at school, when they shipped us to town, we fought back and they found easier prey. we didn't have many friends but we always had a dog, and most of us had a father that beat our asses if we were to stupid for ourselves, or others good.

Sounds like you're on track to solving the problem.
Originally Posted by deflave
Kids today don't get less exercise than other generations. If anything, they get more due to helicopter parents that force them into sports they'd otherwise not engage in.

Ritalin DOES change the behavior of kids with attention problems. My children would have likely benefited from it but I refused to put them on it. To say exercise would have the same result is ridiculous. My kids got plenty of exercise and they are/were still [bleep].

Agreed My oldest played soccer, the exercise made no difference in his ability to concentrate and do well in school.

Originally Posted by Calvin
They are over prescribed

Could be but doubt in the case of ADHD, there is pretty good testing available now to diagnose this disorder. When my oldest was in the first grade we were given a lengthy standardized set of questions to answer and his teacher (who was adamant that he did not have it) was given the same set of questions to answer. The tests were analyzed by the schools social worker. The results were almost identical for both the teacher and us and were positive for ADHD. The teacher was completely surprised by this. We were then referred to our pediatrician who examined him and concurred that he had ADHD. It is not easy to get the meds,
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.
Describe risky behavior ? hell we can't even figure out who pisses where. This last twit wore a trench coat to school everyday, the temperature was 85 degrees the day of the shooting, WTF is out of the ordinary about that? Mom, Dad no teachers noticed or thought that was weird?
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.
I have not read the whole thread so I apologize if this has been posted but this poem says a lot IMO:

Mary had a little lamb,

His fleece was as white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went,

The Lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school each day,

‘Twasn’t even in the rule.

He made the children laugh and play,

To have a Lamb at school.

And then the rules all changed one day,

Illegal it became;

To bring the Lamb of God to school,

Or even speak His Name.

Every day got worse and worse,

And days turned into years.

Instead of hearing children laugh,

We heard gunshots and tears.

What must we do to stop the crime,

That’s in our schools today?

Let’s let the Lamb come back to school,

And teach our kids to pray!
Originally Posted by deflave

Again, I'm not saying the drugs don't work. I'm saying we don't know what the long term effects on them are. If your kid is on drugs his entire life and has another kid, does that affect his child? If mom takes ritalin her entire life, does that affect her child?

If you start a kid in Kindergarten instead of ninth grade, what's the result?

Acknowledge your concern, I also wonder about the long term risks/benefits ratio. I was just trying to use my kids as an example of at least about 26-7 years down the line. The evidence seems to indicate that there is definitely a genetic component involved as it is more likely if one or both parents have it.

As far as "social" media is concerned I feel it has had a dehumanizing effect on our culture. But the genie is out of the bottle and we have to adapt, as parents we have to insist on limits and provide children with more face to face social interaction. I think that the two parent working/career path has also had a negative influence, too many latch key kids with no super vision. Parents that have no clue what is happening to their kid in school and/or not knowing what their kid is doing locked in his room all day.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.

The po-po solution is laughable at best.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.

I don't know what the real answer is Scott but something needs to be done until we can figure this out.Hey I know, maybe we should stop sending billions of tax dollars to 3rd world shiittholes and paying welfare to the people that come from said shiittholes and use that money to protect our kids.
Originally Posted by deflave
The po-po solution is laughable at best.

Exactly. It is a social problem that require a social solution not money thrown at it. The seeds of this problem were sown a long time ago and there are no easy or quick solutions.
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.

The po-po solution is laughable at best.

Maybe it is but if my kids were murdered in a school shooting I sure as hell would have wished someone with a firearm was there to prevent it. What do you think about armed teachers?
Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.

I don't know what the real answer is Scott but something needs to be done until we can figure this out.Hey I know, maybe we should stop sending billions of tax dollars to 3rd world shiittholes and paying welfare to the people that come from said shiittholes and use that money to protect our kids.

Let the parents do something and pay for it. Ownership via their time and their money. Seems everyone wants something done, but they want someone else doing the lifting, physically and monetarily
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.

I don't know what the real answer is Scott but something needs to be done until we can figure this out.Hey I know, maybe we should stop sending billions of tax dollars to 3rd world shiittholes and paying welfare to the people that come from said shiittholes and use that money to protect our kids.

Let the parents do something and pay for it. Ownership via their time and their money. Seems everyone wants something done, but they want someone else doing the lifting, physically and monetarily

I guess I see your point. It's kind of like your property taxes going up because they put an 11 million dollar addition on the school and you don't even have kids attending the school anymore.
Originally Posted by Rooster7
...I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids...

What has changed in schools? Since the communists have taken over our education system it is the schools that are an evil place for kids.
My take on this topic, in a letter to an editor I wrote a few weeks ago.

Emma Gonzalez in Teen Vogue magazine March 23, 2018

What a perceptive title! That captures the issue in six words.

This generation needs gun control because my 60's generation has not passed on the values that made gun control unnecessary in previous generations. We have not given the next generation self discipline, respect for others, respect for human life, personal worth, dignity, absolutes of right and wrong to guide conscience. This generation needs external gun control because they don't have the internal control to manage life's inescapable realities of risk, danger, and responsibility.

External control of citizens is the default position of governments throughout the ages from the Pharaohs to Putin, and it works to some extent though it has a terrible track record of abuse and suppression of citizens. The US constitution is the one grand document that pioneered the self government of citizens, by internal control rather than government suppression. The Bill of Rights gives citizens breathtakingly broad freedoms, dangerous freedoms in the view of any king or despot in history. And the despots are correct: such freedom is dangerous, to ourselves and others when abused.

When used responsibly, these freedoms have produced the most prosperous, most powerful and most envied body of citizens on earth. Far from perfect, ever improving within the parameters of the tremendous founding freedoms, the progress of the US has astounded the world.

By not passing on the values on which this nation functions, we have jeopardized its existence. Our citizen children are protesting that they cannot handle such freedom and demanding that somebody control them.

To them I say: Forgive me. We have failed you.
Originally Posted by Rooster7

Maybe it is but if my kids were murdered in a school shooting I sure as hell would have wished someone with a firearm was there to prevent it. What do you think about armed teachers?

100% for it.
Have there been any shootings like this in private schools? If I were a sociologist - thank God I'm not - studying the cultural differences between the students would be an interesting place to start.

You can't stop evil, at best slow it up a bit. All the "We have to do something" proposals may treat the symptoms, which is important, but don't address the cause. My instincts tell me this crap involves poor parenting going back several generations and that's a personal responsibility that laws can't fix. Seems to me it started with the "free love", "if it feels good do it" '60s generation when contraceptives and abortion became freely available. People became selfish. But that's too trite to propound seriously. I wouldn't even play a sociologist on TV if you paid me.
"Alexa, end school shootings"

Isn't going to happen. Guns are the easiest thing to blame, therefore the Cliffs notes solution that someone else can "fix". Then Mom can go back to posting pictures of her apple pie on Facebook while Dad's in the basement rubbing one out to some porn site or wearing a headset and playing video games.
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Rooster7

Maybe it is but if my kids were murdered in a school shooting I sure as hell would have wished someone with a firearm was there to prevent it. What do you think about armed teachers?

100% for it.

Me too.
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
We used to be a mostly Christian law and order society where families consisted of a mother and father that raised their children to have a basic moral compass.

Now we are a morally relative society where if it feels good do it, if a thought comes into your head act on it, and we are reaping the results of that change. Movies, music and video games are hyper violent and sexualized. Kids grow up in houses where the parents are too busy or not concerned with what their children are doing.

Why is anyone surprised by this change?

Nailed it...
Too many drugs and alcoholics is one reason.

Another is too much violence shown on TV and movies,
Another thing is that punishments offer no deterrent effect.

Some crimes deserve a cruel punishment, in my opinion.
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
"Here's a list of school shootings. Apparently the first one (from this list) occurred in 1764 in Greencastle PA."

A lot of those are just shootings that happen to take place at a school. I don't classify that in the same category as Columbine, etc..

No, it wasn't like the large shootings that occur today (a little hard to rapid fire a flintlock), but the date shows that shootings are not a recent phenomena. If we consider double-digit deaths (10 or more) to be a significant number, then the first mass shooting occurred in 2005 (13 years ago) in Red Lake Minnesota. However, in 1986 (32 years ago in Cokeville, WY), 2 were killed and 74 wounded in another shooting.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Rooster7
The MSM practically glorifying these acts of evil does not help the situation at all. Don't even report on it. They are attention seeking little psychos. Take away their "glory" and they won't have a purpose.

I agree, the internet is an evil place for kids. Social media has caused more teen suicides than we would ever care to know. Kids without parents heavily involved are free to go seek out this sick shiitt on the internet every day and it desensitizes them and poisons their brains.

Until we figure this crap out, I think we need limited access to schools and well trained, armed guards at the entrance(s). (Lots of vets looking for work. Pay them WELL)

Also, authorities AND parents need to take shiitt seriously when kids report a kid with risky behavior. 9 times out of 10, the warning signs have been there.

You figure the trailer park trash with 8 kids are gonna pay for it? Section 8 housing with a bushel of kids? Millions of illegals? Or is it the 'rich' white folks that worked their entire lives and now own a home that are going to have to pay for bastard's of welfare rats?

A little quick math

100,000 schools x 3 = 300,000 cops

500,000 buses x 1 = 500, 000 cops (but lets say 400,00 since many places one bus runs multiple routes)

So now we have 700,000 extra cops. How much an hour are they getting? Insurance? What are they doing during school breaks? Unemployment?

Should state colleges all be locked down? Shouldn't they have cops in every building? Public transportation, every bus should have a cop.

So lets just say we need what, 3 million more cops.

I know, we can start another Government agency, like TSA, for schools/buses etc.

Your math is pretty close to what might have an effect (a VERY expensive solution, but it could be effective ONLY IF the 3 cops-per-school just happened to be where any shooting broke out). But then the Santa Fe (TX) high school had 2 armed officers in it when the shooting broke out, according to Gov. Abbott. Apparently, they just weren't where the shooting was.

The school district had a plan, but it takes time to implement any plan, time which the shooter just keeps shooting.

see: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati...aaef3c_story.html?utm_term=.74a0a67f320e
Social media..
social media does not help. Neither does media coverage.

But I agree with 458, the fail of the family unit is where it all originates but thats now what the media wants to show, they want family units to fail so that ALL rely on huge .gov....
Originally Posted by Savage_99
Too many drugs and alcoholics is one reason.

Another is too much violence shown on TV and movies,

When I was a kid 50s and 60s I believe alcohol abuse and domestic violence was more common, and there was a lot violence, killing, and firearms depicted on TV. I believe the social disconnection of modern life and idle minds (and hands) is a huge cause. Life is physically too easy and many kids feel useless weird and isolated. I believe people are hard wired to be social and busily occupied. It may be hard to believe that people could feel isolated with our huge population and our huge schools but they feel just that.
Originally Posted by rost495
social media does not help. Neither does media coverage.

But I agree with 458, the fail of the family unit is where it all originates but thats now what the media wants to show, they want family units to fail so that ALL rely on huge .gov....

This also. People don't have to rely on the local community and get along with the neighbors and church for assistance. The government check will come regardless of how shi--y and irresponsible you act.
Our country was founded as a Christian nation. That eroded over time and in 1963 Madalyn Murray O'Hair with the help from the ACLU and a leftist judicial managed to banish Christianity from our culture. John Jay wrote about what would happen should we loose our Christian heritage and it is coming to pass. Without Christianity there is no moral compass for our society.

Government subsidizes our income and controls more and more of our existence. Leisure activities and pursuits of all kinds command our time and efforts. Television has become our pied piper leading us further toward Marxism. Sex and graphic violence is a normal activity for entertainment along with mind control reality TV programs replete with scantly clad heathens practicing group think. One by one Carl Marx's theory is being implemented in a concerted effort by the democrat party and their press codified by the judicial they put in place over time.

As far as I can see none of the mass murderers have been popular citizens. They have all had some grudge against perceived threats by society whether real or not. Coaches have been picking on kids since I was in school many years ago. None of us felt compelled to murder anyone for it nor for being turned down for a date. As a culture we are being torn apart with prejudice. Race against race, color against color. Who stands to gain?

Our societal ills cannot get better until we collectively shun the very things that drive us apart and embrace the Christian Founding Principals that brought us together as a nation.
Originally Posted by rainshot
Our country was founded as a Christian nation. That eroded over time and in 1963 Madalyn Murray O'Hair with the help from the ACLU and a leftist judicial managed to banish Christianity from our culture. John Jay wrote about what would happen should we loose our Christian heritage and it is coming to pass. Without Christianity there is no moral compass for our society.

Government subsidizes our income and controls more and more of our existence. Leisure activities and pursuits of all kinds command our time and efforts. Television has become our pied piper leading us further toward Marxism. Sex and graphic violence is a normal activity for entertainment along with mind control reality TV programs replete with scantly clad heathens practicing group think. One by one Carl Marx's theory is being implemented in a concerted effort by the democrat party and their press codified by the judicial they put in place over time.

As far as I can see none of the mass murderers have been popular citizens. They have all had some grudge against perceived threats by society whether real or not. Coaches have been picking on kids since I was in school many years ago. None of us felt compelled to murder anyone for it nor for being turned down for a date. As a culture we are being torn apart with prejudice. Race against race, color against color. Who stands to gain?

Our societal ills cannot get better until we collectively shun the very things that drive us apart and embrace the Christian Founding Principals that brought us together as a nation.

Morality and Christian beliefs need to come from the home, not the government.
Originally Posted by Redneck
Social media..

was listening to Bill Cunningham last night for a while on the radio
discussing this...

he blamed it on social media and the lame street media..

indicating that over the last 30 years, there has actually been less school violence
than before that time...

its now that media has to blair it all over the airwaves over and over..
last claiming the last 'school shooting' in Georgia was actually a shooting
over a disagreement in a school parking lot that was being used after
school time... not during school time..

its magnified, due to the anti gun bias that is never ending by the liberal left.

as Saul Alinsky states, about never letting a tragedy go to waste...

Media doesn't want to end it... they want the turmoil, and society's angst
to disarm the public... and then they can get on with their real agenda
when the public can no longer stand up and resist them...

all they have to do, is put the will to do a school shooting in the head of some
loser type idiot and then look at the mileage they get out of it...

its always some looney toon lefty who does the shooting and goes off the deep end..

Oregon's Kip Kinkle, who shot up and killed a batch of kids in Eugene OR 20 years
ago at age 15, is now 35... he is having attempts made, to 'forgive him" and release him
from prison now.. as he has rehab'ed himself, and it was youthful anger that caused him
to kill his parents and them take a 10/22 to school to kill others...

keeping him alive all these years is cruel punishment in my book...cagged like an animal..
they should have put him out of his misery 19 to 20 years ago....

same as they should do with this idiot who killed fellow students in Santa Fe Texas this past week.
We have a deterioration of Christianity in this country. Regardless wither you’re a Christian or not, the lack of a belief in a higher authority is a problem in society.

No God means that there is no wright or wrong.

No God means that there is no accountability or consequences for your actions.

So, if you’re a kid that can’t fit into society, (for whatever the reason) and you do not care to continue with your life, why not shoot a bunch of people before you kill yourself? Or in some cases live, and get the notoriety that you never had.

I have wanted to do a bunch of bad things in my life time, but my belief in a higher power, and the belief that I will be held to account in the afterlife keeps me from doing these things.
The problem is with the teens themselves. They aren't grabbing a gun from home and running out and shooting random people. They're going back to school to get revenge for whatever they feel has wronged them. Bullying? Social media? They are shooting their own. Feel insecure, bullied, alone? Get a gun and show everyone at school. This is a problem parents, counselors and school cops should be looking for. One secure entrance at school with a cop and a metal detector and it would seem to me our kids would be much safer. As far as the actual cause or reason? I'm not sure. But make the parents responsible. If a parent leaves an unsecured firearm at home and a teen or any child uses it for any illegal activity the parent IS responsible and as such should be prosecuted. I know most will have a fit over this, but I don't think people under 21 should be allowed to own a firearm. This goes back to when we had a military draft, "If I'm old enough to die for my country then I'm old enough to.....(insert drink, smoke, buy a gun, whatever.) Well the draft is long over, 1973 and most of todays kids don't have the common sense to be allowed to legally do any of those things. Todays kids weren't raised by two parents, one staying at home, they were raised by social media and it has no direction or morals. It certainly has no conscience.
Originally Posted by California_Kid
The problem is with the teens themselves. They aren't grabbing a gun from home and running out and shooting random people. They're going back to school to get revenge for whatever they feel has wronged them. Bullying? Social media? They are shooting their own. Feel insecure, bullied, alone? Get a gun and show everyone at school. This is a problem parents, counselors and school cops should be looking for. One secure entrance at school with a cop and a metal detector and it would seem to me our kids would be much safer. As far as the actual cause or reason? I'm not sure. But make the parents responsible. If a parent leaves an unsecured firearm at home and a teen or any child uses it for any illegal activity the parent IS responsible and as such should be prosecuted. I know most will have a fit over this, but I don't think people under 21 should be allowed to own a firearm. This goes back to when we had a military draft, "If I'm old enough to die for my country then I'm old enough to.....(insert drink, smoke, buy a gun, whatever.) Well the draft is long over, 1973 and most of todays kids don't have the common sense to be allowed to legally do any of those things. Todays kids weren't raised by two parents, one staying at home, they were raised by social media and it has no direction or morals. It certainly has no conscience.

So why should you have more right to defend yourself than my 16 year old daughter that has to stay at home alone after school until we get home from work. I have all of my guns in safe places, but as my children got to the point that I felt that they could be responsible I gave them access to guns for protection.
Originally Posted by Buck2
Originally Posted by California_Kid
The problem is with the teens themselves. They aren't grabbing a gun from home and running out and shooting random people. They're going back to school to get revenge for whatever they feel has wronged them. Bullying? Social media? They are shooting their own. Feel insecure, bullied, alone? Get a gun and show everyone at school. This is a problem parents, counselors and school cops should be looking for. One secure entrance at school with a cop and a metal detector and it would seem to me our kids would be much safer. As far as the actual cause or reason? I'm not sure. But make the parents responsible. If a parent leaves an unsecured firearm at home and a teen or any child uses it for any illegal activity the parent IS responsible and as such should be prosecuted. I know most will have a fit over this, but I don't think people under 21 should be allowed to own a firearm. This goes back to when we had a military draft, "If I'm old enough to die for my country then I'm old enough to.....(insert drink, smoke, buy a gun, whatever.) Well the draft is long over, 1973 and most of todays kids don't have the common sense to be allowed to legally do any of those things. Todays kids weren't raised by two parents, one staying at home, they were raised by social media and it has no direction or morals. It certainly has no conscience.

So why should you have more right to defend yourself than my 16 year old daughter that has to stay at home alone after school until we get home from work. I have all of my guns in safe places, but as my children got to the point that I felt that they could be responsible I gave them access to guns for protection.

We need a like button for phrases like that.
Coaches being hard has been around forever. When I was in the 10th grade the coach told me, after basketball practice, don't come back you did more like my players. The only thing that added to my life was a joke for the rest of my life. Never thought about killing the coach or the guys who are better than me.
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.
Originally Posted by rickt300
Something is wrong at the schools themselves. Schools are the common denominator.

For a school aged kid, school is the center of their universe. They spend most of their day there, most of their social interactions are with the students and teachers. If for whatever reason their life has gone to chit they will see the school as the source of that and they will either take their own life or lash out at the school.

I'll pile on again on the parents even without knowing the details. Parents can tell if their kid is miserable, happy or indifferent. Either the parent can ignore those things and figure it's a phase they will grow out of, or the parent can put in the extra time and get extra involved in the kids life to see what is going on. How many of these parents when they noticed things were tough for their kids said, I'm going to cancel my social calendar and spend evenings with my kid, or I'm going to take a day off from work take my kid out of school for a day and just hang out to see whats going on?
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
We used to be a mostly Christian law and order society where families consisted of a mother and father that raised their children to have a basic moral compass.

Now we are a morally relative society where if it feels good do it, if a thought comes into your head act on it, and we are reaping the results of that change. Movies, music and video games are hyper violent and sexualized. Kids grow up in houses where the parents are too busy or not concerned with what their children are doing.

Why is anyone surprised by this change?

This. The left has systematically expunged God from public discourse, leaving a large number of people with no fear of eternal consequences for their unbelief or for their actions. We don't need more gun control, we need less God control.
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Originally Posted by rickt300
Something is wrong at the schools themselves. Schools are the common denominator.

For a school aged kid, school is the center of their universe. They spend most of their day there, most of their social interactions are with the students and teachers. If for whatever reason their life has gone to chit they will see the school as the source of that and they will either take their own life or lash out at the school.

I'll pile on again on the parents even without knowing the details. Parents can tell if their kid is miserable, happy or indifferent. Either the parent can ignore those things and figure it's a phase they will grow out of, or the parent can put in the extra time and get extra involved in the kids life to see what is going on. How many of these parents when they noticed things were tough for their kids said, I'm going to cancel my social calendar and spend evenings with my kid, or I'm going to take a day off from work take my kid out of school for a day and just hang out to see whats going on?

How do you know they didn't?
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
We used to be a mostly Christian law and order society where families consisted of a mother and father that raised their children to have a basic moral compass.

Now we are a morally relative society where if it feels good do it, if a thought comes into your head act on it, and we are reaping the results of that change. Movies, music and video games are hyper violent and sexualized. Kids grow up in houses where the parents are too busy or not concerned with what their children are doing.

Why is anyone surprised by this change?

This. The left has systematically expunged God from public discourse, leaving a large number of people with no fear of eternal consequences for their unbelief or for their actions. We don't need more gun control, we need less God control.

100% of my actions are governed by ”fear of external consequences for [my] unbelief.”
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

Your spinning this just like the liberal media does. It’s not access to guns that is the problem.

I was walking thru pastures and woods with my .22 by ten or eleven, and most of my friends where also. I work with people that took their gun to school on the bus and went hunting with a friend after school. When I was a kid, no one had a gun safe. Guns were assessable to kids of all ages, and there were no school shootings (not mass shootings anyway).

As far as holding parents accountable, I have known great parents that have children that turn out bad. What if your 16-year-old child took your car and ran it thru a crowd of people, would you be to blame for that? What if her boyfriend ran the car thru a crowd of people? We can take this anywhere, but restricting people from all objects that could cause harm is not an answer to the real problem.
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

I've had access to guns and ammunition since I was about 10 years old. The notion that a kid can't handle a firearm responsibly is liberal brainwashing bullschit.
Killing isn’t something that comes naturally to people in the normal spectrum.

Anomalies are part of the deal. It’s an illusion to think think we can legislate them away.
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

Ironically that same kid can drive a car.
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

I've had access to guns and ammunition since I was about 10 years old. The notion that a kid can't handle a firearm responsibly is liberal brainwashing bullschit.

Agreed. My kids have known how to safely handle and shoot firearms since not long after they were out of diapers. They could reload ammunition, field strip an AR15 etc. There have regularly been loaded firearms in the house that they could access. I'm near positive they never touched a gun w/o asking and conversely any time they wanted to handle a gun or go shooting they were obliged. They are far from perfect kids, but I never had any reasonable concern about them using a firearm to harm themselves or others.

The most dangerous thing a kid does is drive a car. Yet society has a completely cavalier attitude about putting a teen behind the wheel of two to three tons of metal and propelling themselves through cities and across highways.
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

I've had access to guns and ammunition since I was about 10 years old. The notion that a kid can't handle a firearm responsibly is liberal brainwashing bullschit.

+1 deflave. We need to raise our expectations for responsibility and maturity, rather than continually lowering the expected, and accepted, level of responsibility.

Cars are far more dangerous than guns in the hands of a 16 year old, and yet we let them drive and accept 1,000's of their deaths a year, and 1,000's more they cause.

How big is the problem?

In 2015, 2,333 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed and 235,845 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes.1 That means that six teens ages 16–19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries.

In 2013, young people ages 15-19 represented only 7% of the U.S. population. However, they accounted for 11% ($10 billion) of the total costs of motor vehicle injuries.1


Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Because I'm not a teenager? Because my mind has fully developed? If your willing to accept responsibility for her actions, by all means leave her with a firearm. But be willing to accept responsibility if she abuses that responsibility. Or if, heaven forbid, she injures herself. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't know about it and takes it to school. And we wonder how kids get guns.

I've had access to guns and ammunition since I was about 10 years old. The notion that a kid can't handle a firearm responsibly is liberal brainwashing bullschit.

I too have had access to guns since I was young. Started shooting a 22 at six years of age and had my own 22 at 13. The thought of shooting someone, anyone, never crossed my mind and I had many a fight on the school ground, was even stabbed once (minor injury).

Originally Posted by Steelhead
Ironically that same kid can drive a car.

And allowed a cell phone which can be used to text while driving, bully individuals, sext, send nude selfies, etc., etc., etc...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having access to loaded long arms for a kid.
Big thoughts on the futility of trying to stop this. LINK.
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

Two Words:

Moral relativism.
One word: Psychopaths

About 1% of the population are psychopaths, that means there are roughly 700,000 under the age of 18 that are psychopaths. I'm guessing there are just about double that in the number of parents that think 'Not my kid'
Posted By: Gus Re: WHY do school shooting happen? - 05/22/18
Originally Posted by Steelhead
One word: Psychopaths

About 1% of the population are psychopaths, that means there are roughly 700,000 under the age of 18 that are psychopaths. I'm guessing there are just about double that in the number of parents that think 'Not my kid'

probably so, at least. in normal times these folks are an anomaly. they don't fit in.

in an upheaval of some kind, ldrshp might emerge from that group?

catastrophic eco-system imbalance, asteroids, disease, etc?

until then they're a tax to be paid, a cost, a challenge?
Originally Posted by Steelhead
One word: Psychopaths

About 1% of the population are psychopaths, that means there are roughly 700,000 under the age of 18 that are psychopaths. I'm guessing there are just about double that in the number of parents that think 'Not my kid'

Yepper, and maybe what? 20? school shooters over the last 30 years. Occurring among the 30,000 public and private high schools in the US. Each school shooting causing the death or injury of about 1% maybe 2% of the student body in any given high school.
Originally Posted by Armednfree
Originally Posted by jeffbird
We have to start asking WHY are school shootings happening?

People have owned guns at even higher rates for the whole history of this country without the steady flow of these mass killings.

WHY are these kids going off for last 10 - 20 years shooting up their schools?

Something has changed and until we get at the root cause these events will keep happening.

Two Words:

Moral relativism.

Right, because no evils ever resulted from a theology of Diving Command Theory....
Originally Posted by deflave

There was a study about 10 years after Columbine. In that period over half of U.S school shooters left some kind of written or electronic manifesto speaking of Harris and Klebold in positive terms. What's even more interesting, this was also the case with non-US school shootings.

This researchers hypothesis was that Harris and Klebold spook for, and served to validate the feeling of other similarly alienated teens, providing the blue print for this type of behavior. Follow on actors helped serve to normalize the behavior and move these actions of of the realm of "The Unthinkable".
Originally Posted by djs
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
"Here's a list of school shootings. Apparently the first one (from this list) occurred in 1764 in Greencastle PA."

A lot of those are just shootings that happen to take place at a school. I don't classify that in the same category as Columbine, etc..

No, it wasn't like the large shootings that occur today (a little hard to rapid fire a flintlock), but the date shows that shootings are not a recent phenomena. If we consider double-digit deaths (10 or more) to be a significant number, then the first mass shooting occurred in 2005 (13 years ago) in Red Lake Minnesota. However, in 1986 (32 years ago in Cokeville, WY), 2 were killed and 74 wounded in another shooting.

Include dynamite and you have to move that date back to 1927. If you use the FBI definition of mass shooting (killing) of 4 or more victims, you have to move it back to at least the 1764. I suspect there was a school of some kind in Jerusalem in 1099 when the streets ran with blood, so you probably need to move that date back at least that far.
School shootings occur for two reasons.

1). God was kicked out of school and there is no God. There is no right or wrong. Do what you want to do. There is no judgement.

2) The perps will not be killed for their action.

The laws of this nation were built by lowyers and built for lowyers.
Originally Posted by jaguartx
School shootings occur for two reasons.

1). God was kicked out of school and there is no God. There is no right or wrong. Do what you want to do. There is no judgement.

2) The perps will not be killed for their action.

The laws of this nation were built by lowyers and built for lowyers.

Those beating the 'God kicked out of school' drum are the opposite side of 'Ban Guns' coin.
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