OK. So what I've gleaned from this so far, from the people that routinely hunt and kill elk, screw on a sharp fixed blade head of good construction, use the setup I already have, practice like crazy in the event I have to shoot farther than I would in a PA treestand, and then instead of taking that shot, do my best to get closer if I can. It seems I'll be farther ahead in the game going that route, than stuffing and gluing all kinds of crap inside my arrows, and resighting/retuning everything for arrows with the trajectory of a shot put.

p.s. That picture of the old 2 blade head and the ivorys is hands down one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen posted on here. Thanks for the help fellas, and by all means keep the suggestions coming.

Oh, and believe it or not, deer bite. Fairly hard.