Makes sense to me. Seems like you can have, say, 8-oz of tung oil in a cup to use on your stock. The 8-oz in the cup represents 100% of your finishing material and it is 100% tung. Now I can drain 4-oz out of that cup and add 4-oz of mineral spirits and still have the original 100% (quantity) of finishing material, but now 50% is solvent and only 50% is tung. And, as such, I would expect for that 50/50 solution to only be half as effective in accomplishing the job of finishing a gun stock because it contains less oil. Funny how its called thinner, eh? So now I have to ask if penetration actually decreases with the use of solvents as I would assume such solutions evaporate faster and transport less oil to he wood for every individual application. I also have to ask if it takes longer to get a stock job done for the same reasons. I guess I just came full circle with my dad and now see solvents as primarily good for cleaning up. Sorry for yammering on but I’m sitting here with a cup of coffee waiting on an oil change and as Paul Harvey used to say, “and now you know the rest of the story.”

"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle." John Stapp - "Stapp's Law"
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