Edgeholding is somewhat balanced between wear resistance, chipping, or rolling.

Buck tries to balance those with price. And does a great job.
Not counting their better steel knives, they will dull a little faster than some customs.
Is that a big deal, not for me. I can do everything I need to a deer or elk without needing to sharpen.
Moose might change things. But, I could resharpen in minutes, something you probably cant do with super-steels.

If your buddies are higher end equipment snobs, Buck will leave you in the rear. But probably not scorned. (Unless they are pricks)
If they are good ol' boys, one of the prettier Bucks will make you top dog.

We use Case, Buck, old Scharade, mostly. Have some Spyderco, don't even mention it to most, they don't know it. And they would think me a snob/fool.
It all works!

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!