I'll throw my 2 cents in here - I don't visit the knife forum too often, but have more knives than I can keep tract of - and they're all treasures.

I just came across a vintage Buck 118 that I scavenged from our dumpster at work many years ago, along with some other interesting artifacts.
This Buck knife and its leather sheath are in excellent condition. I didn't really appreciate this knife until I came across it this evening
going through stuff long packed away in boxes. I never previously noticed its unique blade design but now fell in love with it
and it won't leave my side. I can see why they named it the 'Personal'!

<> https://media.midwayusa.com/productimages/880x660/primary/234/234956.jpg <> (Image is of current Buck 118)

My knife has a reversed two line 'BUCK' and 'USA' stamp on the blade and is late 60's or early 70's vintage.
The # 118 is stamped on the back of the leather sheath just below the belt loop strap.

I am curious if my knife has any 'collector' value but I won't sell it.