Originally Posted by las
Yeah, Art- on your recomendation, he did a fine job on both my knee and shoulder, several years apart. Go Adrian!

Some of those Natives know knives and anatomy....

I don't think he is a "subsistence" hunter anymore, tho..... smile

Chet is good at what he does, for sure..... and knows what those joints will be subject to when they’re back ‘out there’. 😄

I can just about guarantee that he gets plenty via the trading/barter pipeline. Heck, his widowed mom was still hunting caribou alone in her 70s a ‘few’ years ago. And with sis and bro-in-law retired from full-time aviation, I’m sure there is plenty.

Last edited by Klikitarik; 07/01/18.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.