T Inman & ingwe:
Good evening to you both, hopefully this finds both of you gentlemen well.

Although by no means do I profess or pretend to be a bear expert, we see a fair few out here every year - sometimes in the yard - so I'd agree with you both.

The ears look a wee bit too long to be a real oldster and though he's got a bit of a double chin starting, the really mature guys appear to have even less neck.

This guy - I believe - is about the size of the one in the video.
[Linked Image]

On the other hand, this one has the short ears, double chin, no neck look and also telling - appears to lack ground clearance.
[Linked Image]

Here in our part of BC, the black bears don't get super long, but they get rounder, closer to the ground looking and the ears get shorter looking.

Anyway I hope that was useful information and as always is only one old Canuck's thoughts on the matter and nothing more. All the best to you both this Fourth of July too.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"