Originally Posted by ringworm
There are 136,000,000 homes in the US....not including barns, apartments, storage buildings, office's, well houses , mower sheds, silo's, ext....
Only 24 hours in a day. By the time they got 1% of the way through another president would be in office.
It took all the power of the FBI and ATF combined to get one dwelling in Waco emptied....and they had to burn it down.

Very good point.

This is what they want you worrying about. Watch the left hand, pay no attention to the right one.
Confiscating firearms in the US would be an impossible task for any Government trying to take over. Then you have the problem of Rebel groups roaming the country side, rebellious groups in the cities and suburb's, ect. A task not many Cabal leaders want to take on. Better to control their minds through Advertising, New Media, Hollywood, ect. Those that don't fall for the Main Stream Mockingbirds can have a civil war and eliminate themselves or any threat they might have to the new regime.

Perception is the key word. Control the information and you control the perception, ie , the mind.