Originally Posted by tomk
No doubt, JS. It appears to me that Zeiss still has a ways to go to top the high water mark of the FL line. Am curious to see if they want to. I have tried to steal an "outdated" FL or two cheap, but haven't found someone lacking that much sense...yet.

Don't forget me, brother...:)

Of interest and should be added, I didn't have an issue with my new HTs in 2014. But was glassing for elk, hunting with Daughter #2 in 2015 and we switched binos to compare glass. Someone had bought her a 8x32 ELSV for a wedding gift that year and I was concerned about her feelers being hurt when she lifted the 10x54. Instead she maliciously pounced on mine, pointing out the small center. From then on I could not shake it and continued to see it...

I spent a fair amount of time comparing the 10x56 SLC (new AB prism model) to the HT this spring. In spite of the listed gack, the SLC has more usable field than the HT. There would be about 30 deer coming out each evening and they would gradually spread out across the rye field. There is a melanistic doe with two fawns. She looks black as coal in the right light and the neighbors and I have been trying to get a pic, but she is a sneaky broad with sneaky kids. Anyway, watching at yardage once the herd spread out, I would lose the focus of deer on the peripheral of the Zeiss' FOV, but not the Swaro's. A wider FOV of view it may have, but not as usable as the Swaro 56mm.

I like the SLC treatment of flat vs the traditional look with their wider center but not dead flat like the SV, and would probably gig with the Noctavid too--and that is simply a personal preference.

I cannot afford much so I buy the best I can, I am also that miserable with coin that Jews and Scotsmen genuflect in my direction.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.