Britt, I use either a uni-uni or the Red Phillips knot to attach a leader to braid or fused lines. Both are simple to tie, unlike complicated knots that are impossible to tie while pitching around in a boat. Use more turns on the braid side of the uni, compared to the leader's turns. I like to use four or five mono and seven braid turns because the braid is "slickerier" and needs more turns to keep from pulling through under heavy load.

I also use more than a rod length of leader. Typically, 10 feet on a 7-foot rod. That gives me a couple turns of leader on the reel with the lure ready to cast, but more importantly gives me a lot of lure changes before I have to replace the leader. I do check often for leader abrasion, though, and cut back or replace it if there are any nicks.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.