I don’t mean to sound callous as I express my deepest sympathy’s to those who lost loved ones in these fires, and I can’t imagine losing everything I own to a fire like this. With that said though, California is a man made disaster waiting to happen and has been for a long time. If you take into consideration how many people live there, all the geographical and environmental challenges (earthquakes,mudslides, droughts and fires) what other outcome can one expect when Mother Nature rears her head? Im actually surprised that any company offers home owners insurance in California. You have a state that’s in drought conditions for decades and yet people insist on building residential suburbs on mountain sides and in dense brush and timber with upslope and downslope hazards and zero defensive space.. Sadly this event will pass and just like in the past people will rebuild in the exact same locations and one day soon it will happen all over again. Watching those videos of people trapped in bumper to bumper traffic and the overpopulated human condition doesn’t even allow one to flee danger, pretty insane if you ask me, about the worst scenario I can imagine, needing to get your family to safety and you can’t even do that. These big fires have been occurring in California forever , like dating back to the 50’s. However the acreage burned means very little comoared to the number of structures and lives lost, those two have increased exponentially because of the population growth. Hell I watched a documentary awhile back about the water shortages and fights over water rights in California and these analyst were concluding that so much of arid California was never intended to have thousands and thousands of homes there with high demands for water yet they keep on building them and that at some point there would not be enough water for everyone. Once again, a man made disaster just waiting to happen!