Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Whatdaya think would happen if you didn't answer the door?

If they are there to confiscate your guns, does that mean that they have a search warrant? (I don't know if they do or don't)

But if they have a search warrant for a "dangerous" person, who does not answer the door, do they then call in the Military Arm of the Local Federales (also known fondly as SWAT) & breach your door, tear up your house & in the end, shoot your dog & take the guns.

This whole scenario could get out of hand real quick like, I'm thinkin'.

In the first place, they're deluded. I don't believe that they wouldn't answer the door. You get a knock at the door in the middle of the night, you never know whether it's your neighbor needing help, the victim of some wreck or something else or even an evil-doer just seeing if you're home. Most gunny's I know are going to answer the door. If you don't your old lady will bug the [bleep] out of you or go do it herself. Maybe somebody hit your dog on the highway and it needs attention.

In the second place, if cops think they are legally able to do this, warrant or no, a door isn't stopping them from taking your guns. They have the numbers and local and state legal system on their side to do what they want.

The thing about cops doing this against their will is utter bullshit. Nobody forces you to be a cop.