Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Originally Posted by kingston
Makita LXT has been the best lithium ion battery in the business. I have Dewalt’s 18V stuff too.

Look for the Japanese made Makita tools. They’re Makita’s industrial line. They can cost upwards of 3x, but you get what you pay for.

A bonus is their USB adapter.

[Linked Image]

Those batteries have the F'ing chip in them that'll permanently lock them from being charged. Have had it happen both hot and cold. Is there a work around? My drill/impact set from 2006 was great but I ended up having to replace batteries twice, drill twice and charger once. Impact is going strong! I gave up on the Brand due to the battery issue. Hot, like ran tool hard and immediately placed battery on the charger, or cold like - 25F without running to first warm up before attempting to charge. Instantly and permanently gives one solid red light, FUBAR.

Keep 'em charged, don't let them freeze, that 's what shuts the battery down.


Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.