IIRC, deer and pats utilize clear cuts for chow for about 7 years.

Geographically the east UP is very different from the western UP which has two notably large ranges, the Huron & the Porcupine among others.

The old farts are dying off, but the kids coming up from below to take their place is where the deficit lies--jmho... Most every young man we run into in the big woods (Hurons) in the last 10 yeas are local kids.

Roughly 40 years ago the old boys that showed me how they baited brought in a very small amount of bait--sometimes daily--like maybe a half a bucket or a 10# bag--not a pick-up or dump truck load. The deer were widely spaced out. Hunting a squeeze with a rut line or scrapes was a good idear. You may not see a deer for days.

Doe groups are competitive and greedy. At home here (Muskegon Ribber) I ran of number of comparisons for a number of years on the property and had time to view with easy access. First thing is yes, they associate your scent with bait; "oh yeah, that guy!" The second is that they are as nocturnal as they have to be--that depends on you. The does bed to chew their cud with proximity to the pile with the most successful wranglers being the nearest. They contend with each other and hunters are just another PITA.

Do large bait piles change behavior and concentrate deer? Absolutely, and in larger numbers than you might think. I have counted 40 beds in less than five acres. And if CWD is actually a of a big deal as the DNR says, then they are at risk. The old Yooper dinky style baits simply did not do that. There just wasn't enough chow down to bring in more than a single group. A doe and a fawn would clean it up quickly...but you had indeed changed their route to your bushwhack set-up and a buck has to scent check or go without his nookie quota.

Big to mega-baiting is a perversion of a very old strategy.

I love the north country, am deeply invested in it, and love the north culture prevalent in it in MI WI and MN. Liberal progressives are altering it and it is a shame. Hunting-wise, fwiw, I would not recommend leaving your home state for Michigan currently (this was my 19th year hunting in KS, 20 in MN, so do have some inkling about WT hunting....I hope...)). Have heard good things about TN and KY, but have no experience there.

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