Originally Posted by Jesse Jaymes
Another vote against. I'm on my 3rd. Male from probably the most decorated living breeder alive. What a pain in the asss. If you were a single guy, early/middle aged, who never intends to have a 2nd dog or get involved with anyone else with a dog. And a good bit of experience.....MAYBE.

Dog can easily handle to task. Mine is bred to standards and is a VERY fit 84 pounds. Quite lean. Great gas tank on him. Incredibly Intelligent, yet opts to play Stupid on a whole different level. Quite a challenge in many areas. I'd pass and opt for an easy, biddable dog.

Which breeder would that be? Westwinds, Chestnut Hills, Wildwoods? Please don't say Lakeshore!

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.