Originally Posted by GregW
Originally Posted by rost495
stupid to take the shot when he did. Anyone worth a flip could tell that deer knew the gig was up and was moving on out. Just plain ignorant shooter IMHO.

Edited to add, I watched it again. Deer was slightly moving forward at shot. All shooter had to do was wait and he'd stop again. Boom.

As an aside, I've seen this scenario a few times now with shots below the spine and in the meat. I was lectured on here a while back that there is no location below the spine that isn't fatal. Those folks care to explain this video then that obviously didn't take his spine out?

A pard years ago busted a rag horn that ate 3 solid hits from a 300 Rum before it stayed in the dirt. I opened it up and found a broadhead and 5” inches of an aluminum shaft encased in scar tissue about 3” inches under the spine. I would say a bullet tearing through the same area could produce a walk away animal. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”