Bill Clinton nominated her because of her radical beliefs. She refused to give the judiciary committee even a "peek" of her beliefs. She was a radical board member of the civil liberties union and has never been shy about her radical agenda. Apparently Scalia was friends with her but in my eyes it doesn't qualify her to be a justice. She, like all other liberals, doesn't believe in the constitution ad it was written. They believe they are duty bound to rewrite it to their own liking and therein lies the rub. They all should be removed.

The problem with both Bush's and Reagan nominating people that will 'keep the balance" is playing Russian Roulette with our constitution. The same reasoning applies to those that keep re-electing nefarious politicians to office from their home states that either work openly or behind the scenes to codify the radical liberal agenda. Sooner or later you're going to end up getting burnt.

We need to purge the court of the liberals including Chief Justice Roberts and replace them with people willing and able to unabashedly rule on the actual merits of the original document.