I get it,that you DUMB Fhuqkers ain't very bright and that's the only fhuqking reason this schit is funny. Hint. Congratulations?!?

The Reupold 6-18x can't/won't hold zero. That during zoom shift and actual use. Hint. They are simply a fhuqking JOKE,in said Departments. Re-hint.

Anywhoo...here's how to connect dots. This is simplified to save space,but I run drop charts for Rimfires in 10yd increments,starting at 10yds,to the limits of the platforms erector and windshield melding. In this example,it's 25yd increments and only to the limits of the reticle(10 Mils),though it houses another 40 Mils on the erector to boot. Hint.


[Linked Image]

THE scope:

[Linked Image]

The erector adjusts in 1/10 Mil "clicks",10 per whole Mil and a complete revolution is 50 "clicks"/5 Mils. Hint.

The reticle is broke down in half Mil tick marks,separating each whole Mil,with a plain divisor at the 5 Mil mark. Rather impossible to get "lost",even for you DUMB fhuqks. Hint.

Bigging fhuqking deal,to paste the 6 Mil mark on a 400yd Victim,roast him and slap his friend at 225yds with a miserly 1.3 Mil hold. There's no switching the zoom,pissing up ropes or retardation. Read that again. Now one more time. Fhuqking hint.

If the action is at 500yds plus,it's no big deal to dump 10.2 Mils in the erector,to grant 10 Mils of windshield opportunity which will take the platform to the 670yd line(with the newfound 500yd zero) and back to the 375yd line,less touching a fhuqking thing,because you can hold 10 Mils over and 5 Mils under. Read that again. Now one more fhuqking time.

"Tell" me "more" about the "wonders" of the Reupold 6-18x for more money.


I just dropped the mic and took a fhuqking bow.

Just sayin'.

Thank me later.

You've been led to water....................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."