I don't see how I was acting like an idiot? I did admit to sending in my rifle cause I was paranoid. That's fine I still say better paranoid then injured. And no I didn't want a free gun.

Here is my thought. I had a legit issue with a company and I posted my issue. Either a few brand loyalist or company employees got offended and went immediately too " oh that guy is an idiot". Understand no one is perfect that includes me and employees of CVA. I make a mistake, I'm the first to agree. This was not a idiot move on my part. Like I said I got what I wanted; a note from CVA saying this muzzle loader is safe. I do not agree with the smith when he said he cleaned it twice. There was a lot of residue on the breech face. When I removed the breech plug I could tell it was fired. There was surface rust on the hinge pin that was suppose to be brand new.

@willycc if all you are going to do is call me an idiot because you don't like what I said that's fine. You are easy enough to ignore. But it also means I have no respect for your thoughts. If BB said HaYen ur an idiot then it would probably hurt a little more because I respect the guy. So why do you get so upset? Do you work for CVA?

Remember, not everyone has a happy ending, so be happy when you can