Originally Posted by Gun_Geezer
Originally Posted by RememberBaker
Originally Posted by Gun_Geezer
Guess I'll jump in here. Seems we've all had bad experiences with CVAs.

Last year, my Accura failed to drop my buck on the spot. It ran about 75 yards before it piled up. It's just scrap iron to me now so I use it to prop open the trash can lid out behind the garage. It does an "OK" job at "lid holding upen" but it's nothing to brag about.

I was thinking about one of those new Accura .45’s but now I’m having second thoughts.

Fear not intrepid hunter! The Accura is a fantastic in-line. My shot was in one side and out the other. How it ran 75 yards with holes in both lungs is a mystery. But certainly not the Accura's fault. I was just poking.

I had a similar bad experience with a T/C. The buck was standing broadside at 30 yards, double-lunged right through the ribs with a 348 grain powerbelt, pieces of lung and blood splattered 20 yards beyond where he was standing and he still ran like a scalded dog about a hundred yards. Ran straight into a big pine tree, splattered blood all over that too and bounced off, dead. Them T/C's are just junk.

A wise man is frequently humbled.