I can understand the enjoyment, excitement and serenity of being packed in alone. For my locale and hunting environment, I guess I’m at both an advantage and disadvantage. The upside is I have excellent elk country an hour away from my front door... Seclusion is easy to experience since 95% of the hunters won’t hike into the areas I go due to the terrain and effort necessary to take a bull out.

Even though my elk hunting mornings start at 1:30AM to be out the door by 2:45AM. I’m coming back to the cabin bloodied or not.

The downside is to enjoy a pack in alone carrying my house I would have to love the weather I’m usually experiencing in November-Which is cold, heavy rain, high winds, sometimes ice and snow, but usually horizontal rain from whipping wind. My coastal country this time of the year is brutal.

I do realize that all of you hunting in high country have your share of adverse weather, but if you’ve never experienced the marrow sucking conditions of the Oregon or Washington coast during November. I think you might look upon the porch lights of my cabin with relief that a warm shower is available to wash off the dirt and blood even if it is 3AM of the next day.

Aside, I truly believe that all of us, no matter where we live or hunt, who chase big fur successfully year after year on DIY public land are amazing. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”