I haven't researched it in quite a few years, but I would not discount the possibility of aerosol transmission. Most everyone who works with and handles wild mammals these days is vaccinated for rabies. There is a very effective vaccine for humans these days.

Back in the late Pleistocene, while I was in grad school, a number of us were vaccinated--mostly because we all worked on each other's projects, some of which involved catching, marking, and otherwise handling animals that would be released ,and mostly not seen or handled again.

The old duck serum vaccine was awful. Some people were affected worse than others, but apparently you could write off about three days of being good for nothing. The human diploid cell vaccine (which I got while it was still being evaluated) was like getting shot of distilled water. The last time I had my blood tested, the titre was still way above the minimum value needed to protect against rabies.

Last edited by mudhen; 02/05/19.


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