Listen to my sisters family eat in the old days. (Divorce)

The Dad, a graduate of a private military academy in Virginia,
Mom, raised by my parents, was taught manners.
Younger daughter, not taught manners,
Older daughter, decent self taught.

Hands in plate, lip smacking like hogs, snorting, open mouth chewing, three of the four.
Got ugly when the young one was picking the eggs out of the macaroni salad, with her hands.
Yours truly had a fit, "You don't pick through the food, and you sure as [bleep] don't put your hands in the
serving bowl". My sister said "well, she likes the eggs". I couldnt phugginn believe it!

They thought I was rude.
They had no idea how restrained I was.
That day, I realized my mom had gotten old.
20 years ago no kid would have ever considered doing that at her table.
A visitor, would have only gotten a butt chewing.
If I had done that as a guest, I would have bled when we got home.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!