Originally Posted by 603Country
I had a Nikon 600 RF, and I liked it a lot. But, it had a max pig/coyote range (deer too) of 400 yards. Maybe if the light was right it would range to 405 yards. I needed a range of at least 500 yards, so with a bit of google research I decided on a SigKilo 1250. Tried it out for a week or so, and the ranging was spotty. I’d range a deer at 600 and then I couldn’t range one at 500. Sometimes no reading at all. Frustrating. I sent it back and bought a Leica 2000B, and that rascal really works. Even on dim foggy rainy days it ranges great. I was using it to range some deer right at dusk on that dim drizzly day. Ranged them easily at 350 and 360 and when I overshot them, it ranged the dark woods on the other side of my hay field at 511 yards. Longest ranging so far was at a deer at 770 and a cow at 1290 yards.

I really like this Leica 2000B and the way it works, but I can’t say that a more expensive SigKilo than the 1250 won’t work as well.

When I was trying to decide what to buy, I noticed that most RF reviews were based on ranging targets and not on little brown coyotes at distance, so the reviews really didn’t give me the info I wanted. But I now have the RF I needed.

I have an older Nikon 400. Very rarely, if conditions are perfect, it will reach 400. Usually around 350 to 375 is the max.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

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