I am starting to put plans together for my hunting next year. I live in Pennsylvania but I like to take a couple hunting trips out of state to experience other kinds of hunting. PA pheasant hunting today is exclusively for stocked birds. It is good for dog training but I want to go somewhere in late December to try at the real thing. If there is the possibility of a mixed bag of quail or partridge, even better. I intend to camp. I know South Dakota is supposed to be the place to go.

I would be somewhat concerned about the temperature there after Christmas but I am not ruling it out. I will be driving and bringing my springer - a 9 month old noob. I will be working with her a lot in the summer and fall. I am not interested in an outfitter, a preseve or released birds. seeing birds is my priority over actually killing a bunch. I will be hunting public access areas. Anybody have a suggestion on which state to try? Anybody have experience with mid-west pheasants?

I grew up seeing wild pheasants when we still had them in PA. I never got to hunt them but I would love to experience chasing wild birds. Thanks for any tips. PMs welcome.